"Please identify what information you find contradictory, and I'll try to resolve that."
The first, and I believe most important issue, is it's not clear whether I should use the TuneECU FTDI link drivers - as Lonelec instructions (specifically for TuneECU) say it's best to allow windows to sort it out.
I have tried both scenarios without success.
"Have you looked under the options tab on TuneEcu and checked auto connect"
This is another contradiction, some posts say have this ticked and others, including Lonelec say no.
Again, have tried both.
"What's the system software on your laptop?"
Windows 10
It's really annoying that I can connect via android but not do anything with that connection but look at things!
I'm deep into the 4th bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon at the moment so will not try anything tonight but am seriously considering doing a complete wipe of the laptop and starting from scratch! (no, not really).
Anyway, thanks for the tips so far and "tenacitas vincit"