Thanks Doug, did as you suggested, using the same method as described in my last post I compared the OEM 20219 with the 20215 from my ECU and the differences in the secondary throttle table were obvious.
I then compared the original 20215 to the OEM 20215 again and went through the whole list of tables and no differences, I think this confirms that the map in my bike is an unaltered 20215. I will still download the OEM 20215 to the ECU just in case, taking note to check the o2 sensor box and do a TPS reset.
So far all I have done is connected to the ECU, saved the original map to my laptop and renamed it - I made no changes to that map or put a new map into the ECU, consequently I didn't do a 'reset TPU'.
I now have 3 maps on the laptop - OEM 20215 & 20219 plus the original 20215 (renamed).
I think my problem possibly lies elsewhere. I'm not sure if there have been mods made to the mufflers or cat - or if the secondary butterflies have been removed - or anything else for that matter. Its not unknown over here for a pointed steel rod to be whacked up the mufflers to make them 'straight through'
I spoke to a friend with an unmodified 2009 yesterday evening and he said his mufflers were very quiet, mine are not, and no popping at all. He has everything on his bike done at the dealers and so cant really help with advice on a fix.
Your help is very much appreciate, without this site and contributors like you I would be really stuck and at the mercy of dealers.