Thanks Doug, did as you suggested, using the same method as described in my last post I compared the OEM 20219 with the 20215 from my ECU and the differences in the secondary throttle table were obvious.

I then compared the original 20215 to the OEM 20215 again and went through the whole list of tables and no differences, I think this confirms that the map in my bike is an unaltered 20215. I will still download the OEM 20215 to the ECU just in case, taking note to check the o2 sensor box and do a TPS reset.

So far all I have done is connected to the ECU, saved the original map to my laptop and renamed it - I made no changes to that map or put a new map into the ECU, consequently I didn't do a 'reset TPU'.

I now have 3 maps on the laptop - OEM 20215 & 20219 plus the original 20215 (renamed).

I think my problem possibly lies elsewhere. I'm not sure if there have been mods made to the mufflers or cat - or if the secondary butterflies have been removed - or anything else for that matter. Its not unknown over here for a pointed steel rod to be whacked up the mufflers to make them 'straight through' :mad:.
I spoke to a friend with an unmodified 2009 yesterday evening and he said his mufflers were very quiet, mine are not, and no popping at all. He has everything on his bike done at the dealers and so cant really help with advice on a fix.

Your help is very much appreciate, without this site and contributors like you I would be really stuck and at the mercy of dealers.

Thanks Doug, did as you suggested, using the same method as described in my last post I compared the OEM 20219 with the 20215 from my ECU and the differences in the secondary throttle table were obvious.

I then compared the original 20215 to the OEM 20215 again and went through the whole list of tables and no differences, I think this confirms that the map in my bike is an unaltered 20215. I will still download the OEM 20215 to the ECU just in case, taking note to check the o2 sensor box and do a TPS reset.

So far all I have done is connected to the ECU, saved the original map to my laptop and renamed it - I made no changes to that map or put a new map into the ECU, consequently I didn't do a 'reset TPU'.

I now have 3 maps on the laptop - OEM 20215 & 20219 plus the original 20215 (renamed).

I think my problem possibly lies elsewhere. I'm not sure if there have been mods made to the mufflers or cat - or if the secondary butterflies have been removed - or anything else for that matter. Its not unknown over here for a pointed steel rod to be whacked up the mufflers to make them 'straight through' :mad:.
I spoke to a friend with an unmodified 2009 yesterday evening and he said his mufflers were very quiet, mine are not, and no popping at all. He has everything on his bike done at the dealers and so cant really help with advice on a fix.

Your help is very much appreciate, without this site and contributors like you I would be really stuck and at the mercy of dealers.


The stock mufflers should be pretty quiet with the catalytic converter, so if there's a leak or the mufflers have been perforated, this could account for popping on decel. Anyone who has a less restrictive exhaust than stock has the popping issue. It can be tuned out (but not by the dealer). It's not a serious problem. However, sticking at 2000 rpm on decel and not idling right are.

I think I misled you. In TuneECU on the tests page, "reset adaptation" is on the lower left. Definitely do this connected with the ignition on but engine off.

People have had problems with the throttle position sensors and stepper motors. Can't help you with those. Unless you're up on diagnosing with TuneECU it may be worth having the dealer check it out.
I spoke to the supplying dealer yesterday and they have offered to pay a local Triumph dealer to have a look at the idle problem. Its something they have seen before and have apparently found a simple cure which they will pass on :rolleyes:. I'll take the bike over in the next couple of days, so we will see.

However they are not so generous with the popping problem. Their comment is 'all Rockets do that' - not so sure about that especially with standard mufflers and a cat. Will have a chat with the local dealer when the bike is taken in.

Found this post that might suggest a cure and will ask Pig9r for more details when the bike comes back.

Your dyno tuner may not correct the afterfiring, you can cure it by adding 5-10% fuel in the PC map at 0% throttle.

Make sure the idle RPM is set at 850 in TuneECU. There is also a setting in on PC make sure it is also set correctly.

If you get a good dyno tune, it should solve your flat spot. Canned tunes sometimes can exaggerate this.

Thanks, Colin
However they are not so generous with the popping problem. Their comment is 'all Rockets do that' - not so sure about that especially with standard mufflers and a cat. Will have a chat with the local dealer when the bike is taken in. Found this post that might suggest a cure and will ask Pig9r for more details when the bike comes back. Thanks, Colin

Like I said, the popping can be tuned out - to some extent. It is caused by a lean condition at low throttle position (zero) on decel. With stock mufflers, you shouldn't be able to hear popping but you certainly do with the Triumph off-road (TOR) mufflers without the catalytic converter. The solution is to add fuel to the L tables. There are several tunes available in TuneECU format which do this - you can copy them into the tune you're using. Pig9r knows a lot about this.
With standard pipes and the cat in place you shouldn't have popping on decel. I would check for an exhaust leak somewhere. Also just to clarify, you aren't talking about the occasional backfire through the intake? It is popping out of the exhaust when decelerating?
I'm off to France tomorrow for a week so I delivered the bike to the local dealer this afternoon to look at the high idle problem - would you believe it ran perfectly for the 28 mile journey :confused:, anyway they are going to check a few things out.

Whilst there I asked about the popping and got the same reply as the other dealer 'they all do it' :mad:.

When it gets back I will seriously look at sorting this out myself, hopefully with help from fellow forum members of course ;).

Like I said, the popping can be tuned out - to some extent. It is caused by a lean condition at low throttle position (zero) on decel. With stock mufflers, you shouldn't be able to hear popping but you certainly do with the Triumph off-road (TOR) mufflers without the catalytic converter. The solution is to add fuel to the L tables. There are several tunes available in TuneECU format which do this - you can copy them into the tune you're using. Pig9r knows a lot about this.
Music to my ears Doug :D.

With standard pipes and the cat in place you shouldn't have popping on decel. I would check for an exhaust leak somewhere. Also just to clarify, you aren't talking about the occasional backfire through the intake? It is popping out of the exhaust when decelerating?

Frankly that is what I believe, due to my interest in the Rocket, I have 'cocked an ear' to everyone that passed and the badly popping ones were those that obviously had much loader exhausts.

Part of the 'sorting' process will be to remove the mufflers and reinstall with exhaust sealant, once satisfied with that then have a go at altering the tables on zero throttle. Your help on this would be much appreciated as my knowledge in this field is very limited. In another much earlier post of yours you mentioned removing the o2 sensor, is that something you would still advocate?

Not had any backfire through the intake, its from the exhaust on decel and very noticeable. My good lady informed me today that she isn't too keen on getting on the bike again unless its fixed - I have to agree with her, its embarrassing and thats coming from an ex Harley owner that had SE pipes :eek:.
Back from France yesterday and had a call from the dealer this morning. The TPS is bad and they have got the ok from Triumph to replace under warranty - result :bch:.

Downside is having to wait because Triumph don't have stock at the moment - :(. Cant complain too much as it is technically out of warranty.

Sorting out the popping will have to wait a bit longer.
As for your decel popping problem, I can attest that a good tune will make the decel pop disappear. After installing TuneEcu and my PCIII, the decel pop was very bad. I took the bike and had it dyno'd, and I have absolutely NO decel pop whatsoever now.