I've had TuneEcu installed for about a week now, and have taken a couple of short spins on her (approx 20-30 miles each time). A few comments/questions:
1. Bike seems to take longer to warm up. Upon start up, and until ridden for a few minutes, the idle seems low -- 150-200 below what the normal idle speed was prior to TuneEcu and below what it will settle in at after warm up (850-900 rpm normally - about 700-800 rpm after installing TECU). Normal?
2. Still alot of decel popping. I do have a PCIII installed with the correct map for my setup (TORS, CAT delete, stock air, secondaries open to 100%, 02 Optimizer installed). I assume that getting the bike dyno'd with the PCIII will cure this?
3. I seem to have what others are referring to as a "flat spot" in first and second gears....upon acceleration, bike tends to hesitate a bit (what I am referring to as "flat"), and then it smooths out or "catches" and GOES. This seems to also go away as the bike warms up after riding for a few miles.
Other than these minor issues, it is amazing the increased power and torque the bike now has....and will
MOVE. Much smoother, much faster, much happier rider.