
Jun 29, 2010
I've had TuneEcu installed for about a week now, and have taken a couple of short spins on her (approx 20-30 miles each time). A few comments/questions:
1. Bike seems to take longer to warm up. Upon start up, and until ridden for a few minutes, the idle seems low -- 150-200 below what the normal idle speed was prior to TuneEcu and below what it will settle in at after warm up (850-900 rpm normally - about 700-800 rpm after installing TECU). Normal?

2. Still alot of decel popping. I do have a PCIII installed with the correct map for my setup (TORS, CAT delete, stock air, secondaries open to 100%, 02 Optimizer installed). I assume that getting the bike dyno'd with the PCIII will cure this?

3. I seem to have what others are referring to as a "flat spot" in first and second gears....upon acceleration, bike tends to hesitate a bit (what I am referring to as "flat"), and then it smooths out or "catches" and GOES. This seems to also go away as the bike warms up after riding for a few miles.

Other than these minor issues, it is amazing the increased power and torque the bike now has....and will MOVE. Much smoother, much faster, much happier rider.:)
hmmm, a little confusing but I think I'm following you. TuneECU, like TuneBoy, is not something you install on your bike. It installs on your computer. You use TuneECU to download and upload "tunes" to your bike.

What tune did you upload to the ECU? There should be a filename for the .hex file that you uploaded.
hmmm, a little confusing but I think I'm following you. TuneECU, like TuneBoy, is not something you install on your bike. It installs on your computer. You use TuneECU to download and upload "tunes" to your bike.

What tune did you upload to the ECU? There should be a filename for the .hex file that you uploaded.

Yes...I get it. I used TuneEcu to install a new map into ECU. The map I installed was 20219 with I3 copied over to I2 and I1, secondaries opened to 100%, speedo corrected to +6%, and O2 unchecked.

I also have a PCIII-USB installed with Map 510-003 loaded. My plan is to take the bike soon to have dyno'd using PCIII, but have not gotten there yet.
Your dyno tuner may not correct the afterfiring, you can cure it by adding 5-10% fuel in the PC map at 0% throttle.

Make sure the idle RPM is set at 850 in TuneECU. There is also a setting in on PC make sure it is also set correctly.

If you get a good dyno tune, it should solve your flat spot. Canned tunes sometimes can exaggerate this.
Your dyno tuner may not correct the afterfiring, you can cure it by adding 5-10% fuel in the PC map at 0% throttle.

Make sure the idle RPM is set at 850 in TuneECU. There is also a setting in on PC make sure it is also set correctly.

If you get a good dyno tune, it should solve your flat spot. Canned tunes sometimes can exaggerate this.

Sorry for the stupid question, but how do I set the idle RMP to 850? I've looked at the "Idle" table in the TuneEcu map, read through Guide...but do not see how to do this.?
The idle table has 5 values for 5 temperatures. It's 850 at 75 and increases to 1197 at -15, which makes sense - higher idle at lower temps.

The newer tunes, including 20219, have the idle set at 850 at 75. I set my idle to 850 with an older version of Tuneboy and it sits right there. You highlight the cell and use page up or down to change the idle value.
Your dyno tuner may not correct the afterfiring, you can cure it by adding 5-10% fuel in the PC map at 0% throttle.

In an attempt to learn as much as possible about the use of TuneECU and mapping in general I have been reading through all of the posts that have reference to them. I came across this post which is of great interest to me as the Rocket I have just bought has exhaust popping on de-acceleration (afterfiring), which I would like to cure.

I have checked with my TuneECU that the existing map is 20215 and that it has been reprogrammed twice. What changes, if any, were made during those reprogrammes are unknown to me.

The bike has standard pipes with a cat and, as far as I know, no mods that would require remapping.

Would I be better off reinstalling the base 20215 map and seeing if the popping stops or making the changes as described above by Pig9r to the map thats in there?
Would I be better off reinstalling the base 20215 map and seeing if the popping stops or making the changes as described above by Pig9r to the map thats in there?

Start by reloading the stock tune.
Earlier today I used TuneECU to compare the tune taken from my ECU and the OEM tune downloaded from Alain's site and couldn't find any differences what so ever.
Question is did I use TuneECU correctly?
This is what was done - just on the computer - no connection to the ECU:- opened the OEM tune - clicked compare and opened the tune from my ECU, then went through every page and used the F6 button to swap files to see if there were any differences, could someone please advise if this is the correct method?

Assuming that the above check is correct it would appear that I have a stock bike that doesn't work very well on a stock tune. :confused: Apart from the popping issue it has now developed a problem with the throttle. When riding today the throttle acted as if it was sticking. After going about ten miles the tick-over speed went to 2000 revs and stayed there. It seemed to reset itself after I flicked the kill switch but came back a short while after. During the 20 mile journey back home the high revs came and went a few times but were mostly high at the end.

Here's hoping I haven't made a bad choice in getting this bike. :eek:

Start by reloading the stock tune.

Should I still do this taking account of the above?
Should I still do this taking account of the above?

I have used Tuneboy, not TuneECU.

Can't really tell if you've actually connected to the ECU. Have you done "read map" under the ECU tab while connected? Start the program with a different map than 20215. For example, 20219 - this tune has a different secondary throttle table than 20215. Then do "read map".

Once the program reads the map in the ECU, then save it with a new name. With the map you just uploaded from the ECU displayed, did you then do the compare with 20215? When connected, you should do the "reset TPS"in the ECU tab.

Assuming you are connecting, downloading the 20215 map into the ECU wouldn't hurt. Make sure the o2 sensor box is checked, which it should be. After downloading, always do the ''reset TPS'.

Definitely don't give up on the bike.