I've had TuneEcu installed for about a week now, and have taken a couple of short spins on her (approx 20-30 miles each time). A few comments/questions:
1. Bike seems to take longer to warm up. Upon start up, and until ridden for a few minutes, the idle seems low -- 150-200 below what the normal idle speed was prior to TuneEcu and below what it will settle in at after warm up (850-900 rpm normally - about 700-800 rpm after installing TECU). Normal?
2. Still alot of decel popping. I do have a PCIII installed with the correct map for my setup (TORS, CAT delete, stock air, secondaries open to 100%, 02 Optimizer installed). I assume that getting the bike dyno'd with the PCIII will cure this?
3. I seem to have what others are referring to as a "flat spot" in first and second gears....upon acceleration, bike tends to hesitate a bit (what I am referring to as "flat"), and then it smooths out or "catches" and GOES. This seems to also go away as the bike warms up after riding for a few miles.
Other than these minor issues, it is amazing the increased power and torque the bike now has....and will MOVE. Much smoother, much faster, much happier rider.
1. Bike seems to take longer to warm up. Upon start up, and until ridden for a few minutes, the idle seems low -- 150-200 below what the normal idle speed was prior to TuneEcu and below what it will settle in at after warm up (850-900 rpm normally - about 700-800 rpm after installing TECU). Normal?
2. Still alot of decel popping. I do have a PCIII installed with the correct map for my setup (TORS, CAT delete, stock air, secondaries open to 100%, 02 Optimizer installed). I assume that getting the bike dyno'd with the PCIII will cure this?
3. I seem to have what others are referring to as a "flat spot" in first and second gears....upon acceleration, bike tends to hesitate a bit (what I am referring to as "flat"), and then it smooths out or "catches" and GOES. This seems to also go away as the bike warms up after riding for a few miles.
Other than these minor issues, it is amazing the increased power and torque the bike now has....and will MOVE. Much smoother, much faster, much happier rider.