TuneECU and Anti Tamper on 2014 R3 Roadster

You can certainly always tune your bike better than the factory map does the job, as it has to adhere to emissions requirements etc etc but I would hazard a guess though that the 2014 factory maps (TORS or standard) are likely all you want with OEM air filtration and OEM exhaust headers....messing with the maps for this setup wont gain a great deal.

For R3R possibly, for R3 Touring replacing the map with Power-tripp's variant is practically necessary. +30 horses and more torque too with no work beyond map, the stock map is bad.
Does Tripps map give the R3T more power/torque than thr R3R? i.e. should us stock R3R owners bribe him for R3R mapping magic?
Does Tripps map give the R3T more power/torque than thr R3R? i.e. should us stock R3R owners bribe him for R3R mapping magic?

Nope, an R3T is still weaker than an R3R even with a good map, but at least it isn't half paralyzed and shot in the leg. :) The R3R probably has better air- and exhaust flow with the stock bits and produces more power.
You can certainly always tune your bike better than the factory map does the job, as it has to adhere to emissions requirements etc etc but I would hazard a guess though that the 2014 factory maps (TORS or standard) are likely all you want with OEM air filtration and OEM exhaust headers....messing with the maps for this setup wont gain a great deal.

If you were to fit a Ramair filter and straight through big diameter header and pipes then custom maps all the way for sure...

By all means post up a backup of your R3R 2014 with TORS map though, would be very useful to others who need it....chances are there may be one around somewhere too but I've not seen it.
I will. I first need to download the Tuneecu app to my laptop, and familiarize myself on using the software. I haven't installed the TORS cans yet, so I'll get them installed, have the dealer install the factory TORS map, and proceed from there, I'll post my results and the map here.