tune suggestion needed.

charlie farley

.060 Over
Dec 25, 2013
Hi all,I've now got ramair filters fitted and am looking for a tune got the cable downloaded tuneecu and read up and connected to my bike so feel happy to give it a go, bike specs are as follows- ramair filters,standard headers into single race can, gipro that can be set to display only , dobeck ejk that can be zeroed or removed as required, I had a look at custom tunes on tuneecu site but nothing quite matched ,any suggestions would be appreciated to help keep my rocket running smooth.
All the best,
Hello, has anybody got a tune for a 2009 classic running ramair filters , open exhaust that may stop the decel banging or give me some advice on changing values using tune ecu in a way that would help.
When you say "open exhaust" how open are we saying as I could suggest a tune, if you use TuneECU and have the cable, send me your e-mail in a "conversation"
Hello, has anybody got a tune for a 2009 classic running ramair filters , open exhaust that may stop the decel banging or give me some advice on changing values using tune ecu in a way that would help.

charlie follow Hanso advice he is the expert in tuneecu map I have a no decel pop tune from him I run jardine and ramair the bike run like a scalded cat
When you say "open exhaust" how open are we saying as I could suggest a tune, if you use TuneECU and have the cable, send me your e-mail in a "conversation"
Hi Gents, Congratulations on maintaining an outstanding and informative forum.
I am almost 60 years old, live in Melbourne Australia, a long time car and bike enthusiast/nut who thinks too much power is not quite enough, am new to both this forum as well as my newly acquired 2005 Rocket 3. I am not sure exactly what the protocol is it terms of jumping in and beg forgiveness if I am intruding on someone else's thread. The 05 Rocket has travelled 24,000.00 klms, has TORS with no cat (LOUD), I have just gone the bike, serviced it, removed the secondaries, removed the under seat ducting, ordered the Tune Ecu cable, and ordered the Gipro T01 with ATRE. My question to you Hanso if I may.. which Tune ECU map would you recommend I load ?. Thank you in advance. SADIST

Not quite the right place but at least you've demonstrated you're grown-up enough to know to introduce yourself!! Welcome SADIST and if you find the Introduce Yourself Forum from the Forum menu you can repost your intro there - plenty more R3'ers will say g'day then
I am
I am so sorry Mr Hunt, I went back to Forum Home/Menu searching and can not find Introduction anywhere. Sorry, computer workings and old me get on like a house on fire..
Cheers. SADIST
Sorry @SADIST out of time right now but will get back to you tomorrow morning if you can send a conversation with your e-mail address, only just saw your post