tune ecu question


May 1, 2013
New Prague, Minnesota
'16 Roadster 240 hp pkg, 2019 BMW 1250 GS
So I successfully downloaded a new tune. I went to uncheck the O2 sensor box but it won't uncheck. Wher did I make my mistake?
I reinstalled O2 sensor. Turned off ignition, then back on. Went to reset adaptations but i'm not getting a mesage indicating it was successfully reset.
I reinstalled O2 sensor. Turned off ignition, then back on. Went to reset adaptations but i'm not getting a mesage indicating it was successfully reset.
it could be when you shut the ignition of and disconnected it your not on auto connect and you need to tell it to connect. One sure way to always know your bike is connected is to quickly go to the test page and click the fan test if the fan comes on and performs its test your linked up with the ecu.
After you uncheck the )2 sensor did you save the tune under a different name and then load it?
Or did you have a tune with it unchecked already?

Hey Warp, thanks for the reply. No, I think I saved it before I unchecked it. After I loaded and saved it I remembered that I needed to uncheck it and that's when I tried to uncheck the box, but with no luck. So, I reinstalled O2 sensor. This was my first go at loading a tune, so I'll chalk it up as a learning experience/rookie mistake. The program was still connected, I had a green light indicating communication between the ecu and tune ecu. I'm fairly certain that indicates I'm connected, yes? Is it necessary to switch ignition off then on after loading the new tune?

Anyhow, Claviger's Dom tune loaded without any faults or issues.
Yes you always save the tune you altered before you try to load it in. Your right the green light should mean your connected a fan test will always confirm it. Also you click on the words O@ sensor not the box and double click it. maybe that's why you did not see it change?
Yes you always save the tune you altered before you try to load it in. Your right the green light should mean your connected a fan test will always confirm it. Also you click on the words O@ sensor not the box and double click it. maybe that's why you did not see it change?
Yeah, I didn't double click the text, just the box. Can I go back in and uncheck the O2 sensor? If so, what do I have to do, the entire 9 yards again?
This sounds familiar. I think I remember bringing up a tune I'd saved with the box unchecked but it was checked in the saved tune. I think when you uncheck it on the screen and then download it, the sensor is off in the ECU.
Yeah, I didn't double click the text, just the box. Can I go back in and uncheck the O2 sensor? If so, what do I have to do, the entire 9 yards again?
Its easy ya change the map save it under a different name and then load it into the ECU. Make any other changes you want if any like the speed limiter and speed correction if you want the accurate speedo verses the odometer.