tune ecu opening secondries


Jun 28, 2009
Warminster Wilts .UK
Triumph Rocket III 2004
If i open the secondries to 100% with tune ecu is this safe or does the fueling need to be adjusted as well ? cheers
what air filter / exhaust system you running
Under seat K&N bespoke 3 into 1 pipe,it has been dynoed to this set up but the secondries are only 100% in 4th and 5th gears so i'd like to see what its like with them 100% in all gears,so is it something i can do without damaging the engine,thanks
You will not harm the engine at all, I have mine completley removed from the throttle bodies.
Go for it if the bike has been richened up there is no threat but if you feel excessive heat from exhaust you may need to richen it up a tad, but as most of your time you are in the top gears there should not be a issue, One question thou did you have the dyno guy remove the timming restrictions as if he didnt touch the ignition side of things you may want to go to a better base map and have it fine tuned on dyno to really get the full benefit of opening the secondarys if you want one send me your e-mail in a "conversation" if you like
Yeah I need to do this. I'm going to try connect my computer to my bike now and see how this works lol