Tune ECU iphone 4


Oct 2, 2014
Essex, England
2010 R3 Roadster
Het guys,
I'm a bit of a dinosaur, I havent got a laptop or a smart phone. But the wife has an iphone 4 and I have the Lonelec cable with Android lead. Can I use her phone to programme my ECU

Ta very much.
I would not even try that, you have a desktop computer? You posted this so maybe you do?
You can set up your desktop computer in the garage or whatever and load your ECU map that way.
Thanks for the advice, I dont have a garage. I got a 3 bed semi. Bikes on the drive, 30 metres away. If it was easy to hook up i wouldnt have posted.
Most of the android stuff is not compatable with iOS. Not saying yours definitely isn't, but it's not likely.
You could get a Bluetooth obdii that's iOS compatable and try that way, but i don't know if there's even a version of tuneEcu that's iOS compatable. Maybe borrow a laptop from somebody?