"And this one is just right" ~ Goldilocks
I wonder if the dealers go on forums to share their experiences (I jest)….Ok update time.. it was a beautiful day today so
I took the bike out for an inaugural ride and decided to pass by the dealer and show them the fault. They were super nice and took it back to look at it: the tech said he just reset everything and it all started working. He reactivated the TSA and did the adaptation process over. Thankfully easy fix and no parts required. Hopefully this helps someone else if they run into it.
Had a customer ride back to my dealership. Said his quick shift that we installed wasn’t working. He was “real nice about it.” We worked on it again while he had to wait, rather than spend that time riding . We think we got it right this time….
We’re living in a day and age when anything close to what used to be considered plain ole customer service is now considered exceptional

Sorry- nothing to do with you Just ranting.