Triumph Tee Shirts- The final hour

THANKS PAL, I'm actually only 23. I just burnt the candle from the middle

Twas indeed a low blow, Fred, but offered in jest as I know you don't have a thin skin.
BTW - will I ever receive my order now?
Reactions: DJ
Oh goody goody Fred, is that the UK delivery also? As you have nicely posed for us in yours I think all who have them should equally show them off for all to see. Except me of course!

John, I sent yours and the other one going to the UK, I believe last Thursday.
As the Aussies would say "you'll keep". You ordered one of my shirts ?
So Fred
Do you have another run of shirts in mind if so I would like to get a couple a medium and a 2X. Just let me know how to get the money to you so I don't loose out like in Montrose Co.