Triumph Tee Shirts- The final hour

I hope it has large darts to accommodate @HansO's pectoral breasts!
Oi ....... that be enough of that!!! how the Hell did I get dragged into this ... heh you'll keep Old Mate

incidentally Fred (@Rocket Scientist) before this 1olStirrer (@1olbull) cause any Confusion, I ordered a Medium Ladies for my Ann and I have a XXL Mens for me as per the our "Conversation"

and for Richards (@CanberraR3) records 2 x $20 USD for a total of $40 USD already paid to Fred

The Ts are only like $16 for the Lucky Country Blokes!
Had to yank yer chain, Mate since we haven't spoke in awhile.
Do you actually know what a dart is? If so, I be indeed impressed!

To Dart.
To Finger a Women's Vagina
oh dear Steve I do know what the other meaning of a Dart is when referring to a clothing but I didn't know the meaning you have just enlightened me to
Fred, all paid up tonight vis paypal, will you let me know the payment went to the correct email Paypal account.
Let me know who I pay the postage.
3XL in black
oh dear Steve I do know what the other meaning of a Dart is when referring to a clothing but I didn't know the meaning you have just enlightened me to

Hey, Mate!
I came across the definition totally by accident and just HAD TO work it into a post somehow.
Thanx for accommodating!!!
Fred put me down for 1 Extra Large Male and 1 Medium lady's What is your PayPal address Fred