Hiding on the moors no doubt. Must be that time of year, when the nights draw in, and the winds start to blow! Not seen hide nor hair for a week or more
Hiding on the moors no doubt. Must be that time of year, when the nights draw in, and the winds start to blow! Not seen hide nor hair for a week or more
I reckon with your wordsmith abilities, you should author a kids fantacy book about motors and pixies in the moors!
Be a good project for your recouperation time?
I reckon with your wordsmith abilities, you should author a kids fantacy book about motors and pixies in the moors!
Be a good project for your recouperation time?
Look here, Mr. 11 posts wonder, you are WAY off base here!
Inspite of your rude and wiseass comment, I shall explain . . . Just because you are a rookie.
My comments were not addressed to you and had absolutely nothing to do with you.
The first was a response to @Grumpy Ole Codger regarding a mutual friend. The second was also to @Grumpy Ole Codger regarding his response to my comments to him. Again, nothing to do with you!
You are a Newby! If don't understand something posted here, just try politely asking.
Tis a mystery to me how you could be so obtuse as to misconstrue what I wrote as a compliment to a sick brother as an insult to yourself.
You are somebody with whom I have never communicated. Please explain just what I wrote that you felt was directed at you to be like "word police"?
Look here, Mr. 11 posts wonder, you are WAY off base here!
Inspite of your rude and wiseass comment, I shall explain . . . Just because you are a rookie.
My comments were not addressed to you and had absolutely nothing to do with you.
The first was a response to @Grumpy Ole Codger regarding a mutual friend. The second was also to @Grumpy Ole Codger regarding his response to my comments to him. Again, nothing to do with you!
You are a Newby! If don't understand something posted here, just try politely asking.
Tis a mystery to me how you could be so obtuse as to misconstrue what I wrote as a compliment to a sick brother as an insult to yourself.
You are somebody with whom I have never communicated. Please explain just what I wrote that you felt was directed at you to be like "word police"?