Hi all, for the next installment in Tee Shirt saga I have some bad news and some bad news. Because I'm an idiot I believe I sent 7 "XL" instead of 7 "XXL" shirts to our mates in Australia. I found this out when I was packing the last of them up. Ruzzle is going to email me when they get there. Anyway I now have 7 XXL shirts and 4 people who ordered XL's who are going to be pissed. I didn't pack these in any particular order. So by the un-luck of the draw, here are the innocent victims. Snuffer, Jackson, 9draggons,and Macrider. As soon as I verify that the shirts are in Australia. I'll see if I can get Ruzzle to send the XL's back. Anybody who is tired of being dicked around (and I wouldn't blame you) can P.M. me and I'll send you a refund A.S.A.P. Otherwise I'll get this straightened out as soon as I can. Thanks for your continued tolerance. Fred