Just a thought. I wonder how many people would be interested in a hombre/land speed record tribute t-shirt?? Of course, Hombre would have to approve. I would suggest that we establish a cost for the shirt and then donate at least double that to Hombre's lsr cause. I do not in any way have any affiliation with Hombre other than this site. I am only intrigued through watching the thread outlining his mods and would in some way be privileged to assist the cause. If I am way off base then so be it.
Welcome Paul. There is no plan currently in place to run more of those shirts. I have to order at least 25 before they become affordable. I think most of the people on here who wanted one, have one. I don't have any other rocket stuff for sale, but plenty of people on here do. You'll like it here, great people ! Fred

If you do decide on another run I'm in too.


Just for info. I think that many people on here would wan't one if you arranged another run. If you do then count me in, and thanks for the effort, if not then I can understand, but I sure would like one or two.
I'm game if you guys are. Everybody that want's one, send me a P.M. with how many you are interested in. We don't have to worry about sizes at this point. If I get at least 25 then we will take it from there. I'll get with the printer and see what they are going for. Last time they were $13.00 + $5.00 to ship (in the states). My guess is they would be real close to that. Sound like a plan ?