Hey Fred, I've been off the internet for a while-since end of December. Just getting caught up. I'm ok with the wait for the T's. Send them when you can. Thanks for all your work. Fred B. ( 9draggons ).
I would like to apologize for anyone still waiting for a shirt. If your out of the loop I'll explain. I accidentally sent 7 XL's to Australia instead of 7 XXL's . In my defense, on the shirt label it says XL or 2XL . So if I wrote on your envelope that you wanted 2XL's you can see where someone with limited brain power could F__k that up. As soon as they get to Australia I'll have ruzzle ship them back to me. As for the misruns. My local post office got tired of me taking all their boxes so I had to order them from USPS. That was on Monday and I still haven't got them. I fully expect to banished from the club and living out my remaining days in shame and alone with no Rocket parts !
T shirts

hey fred, check is in the mail for 4 xl an 1 medium, dont need a name for medium, its for the daughter, thanks an yes i am a woman;)
Hi everybody. Got tired of waiting for USPS to send my empty boxes so I drove down and got some more. I was expecting them to give me some **** because they said before they tired of me using up all their stock. Anyway all the mis-run orders I have today went out. The correct shirts went to Australia. Haven't heard back from Ruzzle yet when he is sending the XL's back to me. As soon as I know, you'll know ! Thanks again for continued tolerance of my ineptitude ! Fred
Fred, got my shirts today and they are awesome. The three piston design is "BADASS".
P.S. I shredded your check, pls accept the over-payment as an additonal thanks for
your trouble. :)
Fred, got my shirts today and they are awesome. The three piston design is "BADASS".
P.S. I shredded your check, pls accept the over-payment as an additonal thanks for
your trouble. :)

Thank you Mark, I'm glad you liked them. I'll let the designer know, his name is Seth Bussert, he owns a screen printing business near me. Fred

P.S. are you going to Maggie Valley ?
T shirts

Hi Fred, whats the latest? have you heard back from Ruzzle?
Also will you be able to make more shirts anytime if your friend the screen printer has the plates? Mac