Triumph management needs to wake up

Wow - don't I feel spoilt. We have at least 4 dealers within 1.5hours and 3 of them within 30 minutes with the closest one only 3-4 minutes ride.

You are Blessed, BTW I finally got my (AUD $265)water pump from the dealer after a Marathon of Phone calls , I cannot believe that there was only one R3 new water pump in Australia
I have a dealer within 10 minutes from my house but,,,,,i rather have @skydog1000 work on my bike, their service section is as big as my storage bldg and i think it even has a dirt floor
Your dealership seems to use plastic wrenches as they are unable to tighten bolts correctly.
always hard to find a dealer that's good enough to work on what's yours when you care that much about youre machine.understand most are out just to make money instead of quality but that's not just the dealer but the mechanic also.I have a dealer just 2 hours away from me felt like he did me wrong proved it to him, he admitted to me, still didn't even attempt to make it right now its a great 5 hour drive one way to 2 dealer mechanics that started their own shop they put quality first costumer happiness next
Years ago I think it was greywolf(John from PA) listed all the Triumph dealers in the USA does anyone have that information handy and post on this site? It would be interesting to see them compared to the big four.
Every one has an opinion on dealers all I am saying is that they are not all bad, most of them are small time dealers because Triumph are hot a huge seller and most of them sell some other brand as well, lets post the good ones along with the ones you would not recommend.
D&D Cycles Pensacola FL one outstanding dealership family owned and the owners boy rides for Triumph.