Mighty Mouse
It's All In The Reflexes!
I got my Rocket back yesterday from the dealer with the brand new tank. After putting Lamonsters Union Jack knee pads back on I tightened down my mid sized Powerbronze windshield screws along with my brand new never worn Scorpion helmet. I hit the freeway and fluctuated between 65 and 100 mph for around 40 miles. I have to say the windshield keeps the wind off of my chest although my arms and head from the neck up get blasted. With the new helmet it truly isn't bad at all. The wind noise was loud but not obnoxious. I'm satisfied with the mid screen for long trips and the OEM for short trips. After whining about the Powerbronze for months I just decided to tighten the F*** out of the screws and it doesn't shake or bend anymore and it's a fairly comfy ride. For now it's all good. Cheers.