Triumph GT windscreen on the R, worth it or buffeting?

I got my Rocket back yesterday from the dealer with the brand new tank. After putting Lamonsters Union Jack knee pads back on I tightened down my mid sized Powerbronze windshield screws along with my brand new never worn Scorpion helmet. I hit the freeway and fluctuated between 65 and 100 mph for around 40 miles. I have to say the windshield keeps the wind off of my chest although my arms and head from the neck up get blasted. With the new helmet it truly isn't bad at all. The wind noise was loud but not obnoxious. I'm satisfied with the mid screen for long trips and the OEM for short trips. After whining about the Powerbronze for months I just decided to tighten the F*** out of the screws and it doesn't shake or bend anymore and it's a fairly comfy ride. For now it's all good. Cheers.:thumbsup:
I got my Rocket back yesterday from the dealer with the brand new tank. After putting Lamonsters Union Jack knee pads back on I tightened down my mid sized Powerbronze windshield screws along with my brand new never worn Scorpion helmet. I hit the freeway and fluctuated between 65 and 100 mph for around 40 miles. I have to say the windshield keeps the wind off of my chest although my arms and head from the neck up get blasted. With the new helmet it truly isn't bad at all. The wind noise was loud but not obnoxious. I'm satisfied with the mid screen for long trips and the OEM for short trips. After whining about the Powerbronze for months I just decided to tighten the F*** out of the screws and it doesn't shake or bend anymore and it's a fairly comfy ride. For now it's all good. Cheers.:thumbsup:
Are you sure loud is not obnoxious? I say this because sometime we talk ourselves into accepting something because of vested ibterest. Not saying that is true here.
My wife say's I'm both. The wind noise is there and evident although I could tolerate it for long distances I feel. The mid screen is what it is in that you get wind hitting you square in the face but not like a full blast from no windshield at all if that even makes since. The new helmet may have something to do with that. Today is windy here so keep in mind if you're out in the open you have wind coming in all directions a large windshield would make no difference. A full dresser even gets that loud wind coming in different directions that makes it tough. So yes, I compromise but also know to keep the wind off I need to be in a car. I guess it all depends on how pampered you want to be riding long distances.
Just reporting my personal experience with the OEM wind screen. First I should say that I love the way it looks on the bike. Only screen that does not ruin the look of the bike IMO, probably the opposite.

Had decent weather past 2 days and got to ride the bike with the screen for the first time. I noticed so much wind noise, I mean a lot, no buffeting but loud wind noise, even in low speeds of 25-45 mph, and worse in the highway. I was thinking I don't remember the bike being this noisy in the couple of time I rode it without the screen.
Figured maybe the wind screen is directing the wind upwards towards my head instead of my chest.

I decided it to take it off and see. As soon as started riding I could hear the difference, much quieter, albeit more a little more wind on the upper chest. I was still skeptical that it would make such a difference, so I put it back on instantly and tried it again under same conditions, much louder wind noise.

I also ride an Indian with extremely loud TAB zombie exhaust, but the wind noise on the R3 with the screen was louder. So it was either I start using the ear buds again (which I no longer need while on the Indian with full face helmet), or remove the screen.

Anyway, decided to take it off for now. I'd rather hold on the bars a little tighter than go deaf or bother with ear buds every time I want to ride.
In very cold weather I may reinstall it, but no sure.

Just my input for anyone like me who was contemplating whether it was worthwhile getting the OEM wind screen.

Ride safe every one.
I also just got the CalSci screen and noticed a dramatic increase in noise at highway speeds over my previous mid-sized PowerBronze. I have a Shoei Neotek 2 for what it's worth. The CalSci screen also seems to be pretty darn flexible and with any buffeting from traffic, it really moves around a lot. I feel it should have been designed with some metal bracing or something. Sticking with it for now, because the wind protection is definitely better than the PowerBronze, but I doubt my hunt for the perfect windscreen is over yet.
I also just got the CalSci screen and noticed a dramatic increase in noise at highway speeds over my previous mid-sized PowerBronze. I have a Shoei Neotek 2 for what it's worth. The CalSci screen also seems to be pretty darn flexible and with any buffeting from traffic, it really moves around a lot. I feel it should have been designed with some metal bracing or something. Sticking with it for now, because the wind protection is definitely better than the PowerBronze, but I doubt my hunt for the perfect windscreen is over yet.
Did you try adding washers/spacers on the upper bolts to move screen out from you? I read reviews of some needing this.
My experience is with adustable mid size screen all the way down, hwy speed too much on shoulders, no buffeting. All the way up, tilted outward, good protection but buffeting. Had to put the larger screen back on.
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@DOCGSS @EskimoPie
Did the holes on your CalSci windshield match up easily with the mounting points on the bike/bracket? I just got mine today, and it seems like the holes are too close together (left to right) on the windshield. If I line up the left holes, the holes on the right are about 16mm offset toward the center. I couldn’t figure out a way to flex the shield, or maneuver the bracket, to affect it in a helpful way.
I emailed the only address I could find on the site, but haven’t heard back yet.
@DOCGSS @EskimoPie
Did the holes on your CalSci windshield match up easily with the mounting points on the bike/bracket? I just got mine today, and it seems like the holes are too close together (left to right) on the windshield. If I line up the left holes, the holes on the right are about 16mm offset toward the center. I couldn’t figure out a way to flex the shield, or maneuver the bracket, to affect it in a helpful way.
I emailed the only address I could find on the site, but haven’t heard back yet.
Mine lined up easily enough, did you use the black plastic risers from the stock GT screen (or do you have an R)?
Mine lined up easily enough, did you use the black plastic risers from the stock GT screen (or do you have an R)?
I have a GT, and just took the OEM shield off, but left the black pieces underneath in place. Are those black pieces supposed to come off? The instructions didn’t mention them.

Here’s a couple of pictures. You can see that the right holes are held in place to show the offset for the left holes from their mounting points.


Those black mounts are for the OEM screen. Seeing the white spacers your screen comes with, I would think you should remove the black mounts and install directly over the fly screen. But I don't have this screen so not sure.
For those with the OEM screen on R3R, has anyone added spacers/washers to change the angle, in order to direct the wind higher above the head and alleviate wind noise?
Any pics, ideas, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.