Triumph GT windscreen on the R, worth it or buffeting?

The OEM is just as good for wind blockage at 60+ than the Powerbronze, which means they both suck for that. The OEM is better in that it has less buffeting, you're just taking the full wind at about neck level and above on a 5'11" frame, which is okay if you have a nicely aerodynamic helmet. It's going to be noisy as hell though. The Powerbronze, in my experience, is worse than OEM.

Once I get my Calisci screen, I'll use it for a good couple of days at high speeds and report back.
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My long ride today with oem leads me to want a different screen. 80+ mph my neck muscles contracted non stop. 75 and below no problem. I like music when riding, and will go back to wired ear buds as sound is so much better than blue tooth, cuts wind noise a bunch.
Love the look of my bike with oem screen but need more wind protection. Thought the smaller powerbronze would be good but not many on here like it. Wish someone made a bit larger than oem that was a direct oem replacement, holes match the oem! How hard can that be?
My calisci screen came in, but I had ordered the clear screen and they managed to **** that up and send the darkest tinted screen I've ever seen. That delays my testing of it.


Decided to say **** it and use it anyway because I'm tall enough to see over it completely.

Initial cruise with it--roughly 50 miles at highway speeds with some pulls of 120 reveals that so far it has little to no buffeting. I don't like the flimsy mounting brackets on the top two screws but they seem to work more than well enough. The hole in the screen definitely seems to make a difference in air flow and seem to kill the buffeting issue. It doesn't rock back and forward at the corners like the Powerbronze screen.

This part will not apply to everyone:
At 5'11" the 18.5" screen puts the wind right at my eye level, which kinda sucks but I always wear a full-face helmet anyway. I haven't tried riding with my modular helmet face up, just with the visor up, which does indeed put the wind right square in your face and eyes. Compared to the Powerbronze single screen, it put the wind right at chin level and up. So in the end, there is less wind on your head but you'll still have some. Should reduce neck strain by a decent amount, but if you're a half helmet user at my height, the wind might catch on the front lip of the helmet but I lack a half helmet to test this myself.

I'll update once I use it more and notice any more quirks. So far, it functions better than the Powerbronze and OEM (duh).

Further update:
It flexes quite a bit in heavier wind but still no real noticeable buffeting issues. I really wish someone made a heavier duty wind screen. This one works fine and is definitely superior to the single panel Powerbronze, but I really want something more rigid.

But since I have 3 windscreens to work with, I can make some better mounting brackets and try each of them out further. I'm thinking that one of the issues with the Powerbronze is the mounting hardware.

After more testing, I wish I had the two-piece Powerbronze shield to test out as I think it's probably the best overall design. I may end up getting it anyway, but that would leave me with 4 screens, two of which would never see use. I'd only use the best of the big ones and the OEM. Not sure how well I'd be able to resell the other two.
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Just reporting my personal experience with the OEM wind screen. First I should say that I love the way it looks on the bike. Only screen that does not ruin the look of the bike IMO, probably the opposite.

Had decent weather past 2 days and got to ride the bike with the screen for the first time. I noticed so much wind noise, I mean a lot, no buffeting but loud wind noise, even in low speeds of 25-45 mph, and worse in the highway. I was thinking I don't remember the bike being this noisy in the couple of time I rode it without the screen.
Figured maybe the wind screen is directing the wind upwards towards my head instead of my chest.

I decided it to take it off and see. As soon as started riding I could hear the difference, much quieter, albeit more a little more wind on the upper chest. I was still skeptical that it would make such a difference, so I put it back on instantly and tried it again under same conditions, much louder wind noise.

I also ride an Indian with extremely loud TAB zombie exhaust, but the wind noise on the R3 with the screen was louder. So it was either I start using the ear buds again (which I no longer need while on the Indian with full face helmet), or remove the screen.

Anyway, decided to take it off for now. I'd rather hold on the bars a little tighter than go deaf or bother with ear buds every time I want to ride.
In very cold weather I may reinstall it, but no sure.

Just my input for anyone like me who was contemplating whether it was worthwhile getting the OEM wind screen.

Ride safe every one.
Keep in mind not all full face helmet are the same with regard to wind noise.
For me after going back to oem screen, hwy riding not acceptable although appearance better. I put adjustable powebronze back but with smaller screen.
Keep in mind not all full face helmet are the same with regard to wind noise.
For me after going back to oem screen, hwy riding not acceptable although appearance better. I put adjustable powebronze back but with smaller screen.
Interesting, I like the adjustable Powerbronze screen but haven't tried the smaller one, was waiting for the warmer weather. Does it flex less?
Interesting, I like the adjustable Powerbronze screen but haven't tried the smaller one, was waiting for the warmer weather. Does it flex less?
Would think for sure. Trying it tomorrow with my shoei rf1200. Fits like a glove.
I have the OEM screen on the R model. Initially I felt it was very noisy and I removed it. Later I put it back on, but also rotated the bars up a few degrees as I wanted to lean forward a little more ( I have the pegs on the lower setting). With all that done now I don't find it so noisy, but I am not doing much hway speeds so this is very subjective. I'm 5' 8" and I normally wear ear plugs.