Triumph GT windscreen on the R, worth it or buffeting?

It would have been nice if Triumph could have made a windshield that followed the OEM lines but made it a little larger or as an accessory. As stated the OEM is great up until around 55 to 60 mph and then after that it's like not having a screen at all. The OEM look is excellent in my opinion.
FWIW...i fitted the Powerbronze rear hugger...also made from plastic. I came home from a ride last weekend and washed the bike and lo and behold the hugger had broken right off and was holding by one bolt only. It wasnt under any unusual pressure as it mounts straight to the existing cant contact the wheel as the whole deal rises and falls with the wheel....i think vibration cos it broke along where the bend is.???...I put it in my cupboard but thinking i will transfer it to the bin....Dissapointing cos theyre not cheap.
I'm beginning to think Powerbronze builds products for aesthetics and not actual use. The way the windshield rapidly bounces towards the top section at speeds over 80 mph makes me think it will crack at the screws very soon. I hope I'm wrong but I will find out soon enough.
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Did it break?
No but the buffeting at highway speeds got annoying and became useless for wind blockage. After 60mph it behaved the same as the stock shield as far as wind deflection, except it buffeted like crazy which made it worse.

I just ordered the CaliSci 18" clear screen with the hole in the middle. Going to see how that works out.
You may not want to wait till it breaks off while you're going 80 mph (not sure if that's a possibility or not). Trust your instinct. If you feel it's flimsy you may have to bite the bullet and get rid of it before it causes more damage to you or the bike.
Brings me back to my original posting, does the OEM screen cause a lot of buffeting, similar for example to what you're describing with the powerbronze or less?
I already installed the OEM on my R, but haven't had the chance to try it yet thanks to lack of global warming.
I have thought about that at 80 to 90 mph with the top shaking like a leaf ready to pop off taking my neck with it. I just don't want to be 500 miles from home and have it go and then I have zero protection (like the old days when the wind didn't bother me). With the Powerbronze I don't get the buffering like some on here and that may be due to my 5'9" frame. I do get smacked hard on my shoulders and head full force so I do get a small break on my chest. The wind noise is also incredibly loud and actually louder than with the OEM. The one saving grace with the Powerbronze is I don't have to hold onto the bars as tight as with the OEM so on longer rides that is a benefit to me. As far as buffering I'm certain height plays a big role in that when using the OEM. I don't get it on the OEM or the Powerbronze just a lot of head wind.