Triumph Bobber Has Arrived

You know what? I work in a big shop that sells Triumphs and could spend hours here giving you examples of why I think the company sucks. Even though the Rocket is an awesome motorcycle Triumph is not the be all, end all motorcycle manufacturer people around here seem to think they are.

I read with humor comments towards HD like BIG PIG V TWINS. Don't doubt for a second that Triumph doesn't have wet dreams of becoming as big and popular as Harley. The difference is HD earned their place in the world, Triumph is trying to buy their street cred with marketing and using Hollywood actors. I find their whole marketing approach comical. On a Triumph you are just so **** cool as long as you have a beard from the civil war and a haircut like your grandfather's.

Don't get me wrong I love my Rocket III, it's amazingly fast, handles well blah blah blah. I'll admit to anyone that it does not stir my soul like my Sportster does though. It's relatively inexpensive to make a Sportster put out the power at the rear wheel that Triumph claims at the crank for the new 1200cc Bonneville/Bobber. It might be hard to make a HD big Twin truly fast, not so the Sportster which the Bobber is aimed at. I would feel like a twat riding around on a factory bike called the Bobber to be honest. It's such a pose, just like their marketing

I don't look down at other riders on different brands just because my Rocket makes more power. People don't make their Harley's faster to compete with your Rocket. They do it to make a faster Harley.
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HD is also a pose, they have just been that way longer. They HAVE earned their place in the world be it bad or good and so has Triumph. They both occupy different places and TRIUMPH being a company is in business to make money and would like to
be in the same place HD is in the earnings category. The problem is TRIUMPHS place has been with genuine motorcycle enthusiasts who like all the technical and riding aspects of their bikes. That place is crowded with many of the same type of customers for many manufacturers so each
piece of the pie is smaller. Now they will try to enter HD's place and get the segment who want to be cool and perceive the way to do that is to ride a bobber along with the look and the attire. HD has thru marketing excellence managed to make any
model they sell be COOL just because its a HD to a huge segment of possible riders and their wives who also want to be COOL people, not necessarily enthusiasts who demand more than being cool in the eyes of someone else and understand that you can't buy COOL.
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FUNNY I had a sprung hub on my 1949 TRIUMPH BOBBER and I was building all sorts of customs back in the 60s Triumphs,VINCENTs,HARLEYs, BSAs etc. And Im sure the BOBBER is going to be a good handling and comfy bike and having thousands of Harley customs out there doesnt seem to diminish the COOL factor and i would love to race that V8 with the first modded BOBBER we get sounds like fun win or lose lets do it . How much ya want for that bike I have a buddy that wants to buy one
SO if you buy a HARLEY your COOL now thats funny stuff DAVE LOL
NOW thats a crock of S--t the Sportser is now considered a girls bike so no doubt you feel like a TWAT riding that and your playing bad guy and wish you had a FAT BOB OMG thats funny LOL

This is my homebuilt bobber from 2010. pieced it together from parts on ebay over a two year period. R-3 head and tail lights.
Used old license plates as side covers.