Tried Darkside -Ate the Cookie-Returned

I can guarantee you if art was in this conversation it would have downgraded already.
He's almost violently opposed to a car tire on a sickle..
Don't know why, just never heard him make a fair, unbiased remark about one yet,
we're all loony riding on the sidewalls and trusting our lives to a tire that wasn't designed for us....
Isn't it nice to have a discussion without reading the exact same thing over and over as well as no personal attacks? I'm enjoying the site again.
certain elements appear to be absent, isn't it Bliss the genuie guy's that don't like them But have tried them are like the rest of us, civil
They must be off at another site arguing over which Hilton is smarter. LOL
If someone atacks you i will play mexican judo on them
kmrmike, what size did you go with on your R3T. My R3T is a 2010. Don't think there is a difference. I wondered if I could go DS

I'm headed out to Sturgis in a few weeks, pulling a trailer with my new Raptor on the back. So far, it has been everything and more than I had hoped for. I plan on putting about 5,000 miles on the bike in two weeks, most of it pulling a trailer. I'll post my thoughts on the trip and how the tire performs when I return in mid August.
I gotta do something, that's for sure!
Everytime I forget, and hit the rear brake, the dang rear tire loses grip, and around she comes. Scares the you-know-what outta me everytime it happens. I'm switching to a car tire as soon as I can. Maybe that'll give the rear end some grip.

I had a car tire on my Honda VTX cruiser, and loved it.

Lock that car tire up and you will be sitting on the tank.
certain elements appear to be absent, isn't it Bliss the genuie guy's that don't like them But have tried them are like the rest of us, civil
Sounds like youre trying to start something. Civility necessarily dictates failed sovereignty. Just exactly what is a genuie guy? An esplaine ths bliss you tawk about!