This not just aimed at TC either you three
I just ask One Question Why...Why not see how the hell the day goes instead of inciting a mutiny before the event even starts.
TC we all know you went out of your way to get the trophy's made, we also know there were others who have helped.
I hang my head in Shame that I was not Able to contribute due to personal reasons, because in the past I would have jumped in with my number tens and been doing or been helping organizing things
But we also know this Whole Event would not have taken place if not for the Brainchild of Big Marty, he also saw the opertunity to let us show of our bikes to the Public and raise some cash for a charity, I personally take my hat of him for trying to make it a big event straight of the bat
further more if this to become an annual event why not give this first one a go as it is planned and we or you or who ever organizes the next and or future events can make changes as they please or from lessons we learn from this one
finally I am going to quote myself from the first meeting I held here in Eurobodalla to form the now nearly 10 year old Eurobodalla Branch Of the Ulysses Club and that is "We may be biting of more than we can chew and we have to crawl before we can walk but I aim to be get up and be running before that" in other words if you start of slowly and small you will always be slow and small, so you have to Aim Big.
And My Friends is what Marty is trying to do So I Say We Should ALL Give Him our Fullest Support