Travel Plans for RDU


got today, Tomorrow and Monday before i head off so I'm going to have to start packing and getting my bike ready.

Im off to Peter Stevens to pick up a couple little odds and sods so if anyone more remote needs anything let me know and i'll bring it up for you. Im leaving in next couple hours to go in so you got till about 11 today to let me know.

Should the bike show on Saturday turn out to be attended only in the morning .

I can't promise i won't try to get encourage some rogue Owners to escape from the show and go for a Saturday arvo fang down to Tin Can Bay or somewhere :eek:
Should the bike show on Saturday turn out to be attended only in the morning .

I can't promise i won't try to get encourage some rogue Owners to escape from the show and go for a Saturday arvo fang down to Tin Can Bay or somewhere :eek:

Three of the rogues that i expected to be in on it :D
This not just aimed at TC either you three
I just ask One Question Why...Why not see how the hell the day goes instead of inciting a mutiny before the event even starts.
TC we all know you went out of your way to get the trophy's made, we also know there were others who have helped.
I hang my head in Shame that I was not Able to contribute due to personal reasons, because in the past I would have jumped in with my number tens and been doing or been helping organizing things
But we also know this Whole Event would not have taken place if not for the Brainchild of Big Marty, he also saw the opertunity to let us show of our bikes to the Public and raise some cash for a charity, I personally take my hat of him for trying to make it a big event straight of the bat
further more if this to become an annual event why not give this first one a go as it is planned and we or you or who ever organizes the next and or future events can make changes as they please or from lessons we learn from this one
finally I am going to quote myself from the first meeting I held here in Eurobodalla to form the now nearly 10 year old Eurobodalla Branch Of the Ulysses Club and that is "We may be biting of more than we can chew and we have to crawl before we can walk but I aim to be get up and be running before that" in other words if you start of slowly and small you will always be slow and small, so you have to Aim Big.
And My Friends is what Marty is trying to do So I Say We Should ALL Give Him our Fullest Support
This not just aimed at TC either you three
I just ask One Question Why...Why not see how the hell the day goes instead of inciting a mutiny before the event even starts.
TC we all know you went out of your way to get the trophy's made, we also know there were others who have helped.
I hang my head in Shame that I was not Able to contribute due to personal reasons, because in the past I would have jumped in with my number tens and been doing or been helping organizing things
But we also know this Whole Event would not have taken place if not for the Brainchild of Big Marty, he also saw the opertunity to let us show of our bikes to the Public and raise some cash for a charity, I personally take my hat of him for trying to make it a big event straight of the bat
further more if this to become an annual event why not give this first one a go as it is planned and we or you or who ever organizes the next and or future events can make changes as they please or from lessons we learn from this one
finally I am going to quote myself from the first meeting I held here in Eurobodalla to form the now nearly 10 year old Eurobodalla Branch Of the Ulysses Club and that is "We may be biting of more than we can chew and we have to crawl before we can walk but I aim to be get up and be running before that" in other words if you start of slowly and small you will always be slow and small, so you have to Aim Big.
And My Friends is what Marty is trying to do So I Say We Should ALL Give Him our Fullest Support

Completely agree Hanso. I think what TC was saying and certainly what I was thinking is if the attendance drops off after the morning and all is said and done, after all the events and stuff has finished, if there is time between packing up and dinner maybe fitting in a ride. In reality after 2500k's I might be happy to just sit and chill!

I agree though mate, I will be supporting Big M and his Mrs as I believe we all will.
There is no doubt Marty & Mrs Marty and many others have done a great job in putting the Roacket Down Under together, unfortunately I cant get there until Saturday morning but no matter what happens it will be exactly what was intended, a get together of Rocket owners from arounf Australia.
In fact they done more than I expected.
Cant wait to see you all there and look over your Rockets.
This not just aimed at TC either you three
I just ask One Question Why...Why not see how the hell the day goes instead of inciting a mutiny before the event even starts.
TC we all know you went out of your way to get the trophy's made, we also know there were others who have helped.
I hang my head in Shame that I was not Able to contribute due to personal reasons, because in the past I would have jumped in with my number tens and been doing or been helping organizing things
But we also know this Whole Event would not have taken place if not for the Brainchild of Big Marty, he also saw the opertunity to let us show of our bikes to the Public and raise some cash for a charity, I personally take my hat of him for trying to make it a big event straight of the bat
further more if this to become an annual event why not give this first one a go as it is planned and we or you or who ever organizes the next and or future events can make changes as they please or from lessons we learn from this one
finally I am going to quote myself from the first meeting I held here in Eurobodalla to form the now nearly 10 year old Eurobodalla Branch Of the Ulysses Club and that is "We may be biting of more than we can chew and we have to crawl before we can walk but I aim to be get up and be running before that" in other words if you start of slowly and small you will always be slow and small, so you have to Aim Big.
And My Friends is what Marty is trying to do So I Say We Should ALL Give Him our Fullest Support

Hanso . All I did was click the like button on someone's comment . How the hell is that insighting mutany How the hell does that say I wasn't going to see it through. Already stated I was and my appreciation . The problem here is people reading too mutch into things . I'm meant to be the youngest one here makes me wonder sometimes when I wake up and read this stuff. Now let's just get the hell on with it make it a success and have a good time. And excuse me if I don't participate in future bickering but I'm not interested in arguing over something so trivial .
Please Captains Just Settle

Guys I read a post giving the benefit of doubt most likely posted just in fun.

For any of you that has organised any thing from a fishing trip to a bike ride that involves a lot of people, especially when the same people are travelling so far it gets frustrating.

Not with any of the captains, just things my end, it gets hard as it comes closer to the day and you have a feeling the people my end have not returned their commitment first given.:mad:

I seen a post answered it with a comment and deleted it straight away, wasn't meant to be in malice to anyone just a lot of frustration my end.;)

Look guys I know we are gonna have a great weekend, appreciate every rocket captains input, help, & commitment.:D

I honestly think as it gets closer everyone's looking forward to it so much, and want the best out of it. I have had great interest shown from a lot of locals, with out a PA system gonna make things a lot harder to do an auction:mad:

So please don't think I've got the sh#ts with any captain what so ever, I'm hoping the things not looking good my end will sort themselves out this week if not gonna have to hire a pa system.

Just one or two little things can get to you when trying to organise one event that I hope and pray will come together for future events, they say the first one is the hardest, getting the bugs sorted out so to speak.