Transmission Fun The One Thing I Hate

SO your saying the bike had a bad trans from the factory then why dont you ask TRIUMPH to fix it ?
Wish you the best of luck with it. Reading this and hearing of your problems makes me wonder how I got lucky and bought a bike that seems to have been assembled on a Wednesday vice a Monday morning or Friday afternoon. All joking aside good luck.
The trans on the Rocket sucks. Period.
Shifts like crap.

I removed the linkage and mounted a Honda 250 something or other lever directly on the shaft and it shifts much better.
I learned that little trick here ;-)
Got a call from the head tech today. Rocket is all disassembled, and the verdict is in.

Very worn dogs on 2nd gear, bent shift forks, wear on gears 1/3/4 as well but not severe. I am going to ask for all replaced parts back, I have a feeling it was assembled wrong and hopefully its evident in the parts post fix analysis.

As I mentioned the bike would slip out of second brand-new if not shifted a little forcefully, and I got it with 11 miles or something like that, so who knows what was done by the dealer test riding before I took delivery.

I'm sure most of the 1/3/4 wear is me being aggressive and riding hard, but I have never had a issue breaking much less robust bikes, none have had failures so Im a bit hesitant to accept all of the blame on this.

9 days from delivery to full tear down plus parts list worked up, not terrible, actually a little bit impressed.
Triumph approved the work today yay!! Parts are on order, here is what my bike currently looks like:

I actually got to walk around the employees section of the shop and will say, their major job techs are very organized and meticulous, highly impressed.

If all goes well upon delivery, I plan on buying the tech and the service writer both a dinner with their families at Ruth's Chris, because this could have been very expensive for me, if i'd had to pay for it.
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Jeez Louise!
I presume they'll fit new valves? Any ideas what caused that or is it just poor manufacturing?

Mark Dunn