Transmission Case

You guy are dreaming with all of these repair ideas. Even if you had a perfectly aligned welded leak proof repair. There still exists the possibility of stress fractures.

At a minimum replace the case better yet replace the engine there could be internal damage that you haven't found. Castings won't deform much before they break but they do deform a little.
This is probably a silly question, but do you guys know if an engine from an earlier year will bolt up to my 2011? I've found a few complete engines for sale, but they're from '05 and '07 Touring models.

Looks like crankcase part number's have changed twice since introduction, (up to #242555 then up to #280583). to get some idea my 2009 Classic's # is 318205. As has already been mentioned one of the changes could be from silver to black, but in any case it would be unwise to go for anything before #280583.

Crankcase pairs are available as replacements, £2300 incl VAT in the UK, probably around €2600 over there. If your bike hasn't done a lot of miles and is otherwise repairable that's the way I'd go - you just don't know what kind of 'can of worms' you will get with a used and older engine.

Looking at your images again, the ripped-out part is just the lug for the gear selector shaft which is a slotted actuator on the inside, its obviously just been swiped off pretty cleanly and as there was no actual fixed connection to the parts inside I reckon you might just be lucky. Even more reason to go for new cases imo as its very possible there will be little damage to the internals of the motor.
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I'd be riding around on a new Roadster by now.

Bought a brand new sport bike and I put 5k miles on it before allowing a friend of mine ride it. He wrecked it, insurance totaled it, and I got all my money back out of it when it was over with except $100

Best $100 I have ever spent!
What insurance company did you have when your friend totaled it? Did they hassle you much to get it replaced, and how much did your rate go up due to the accident?
What insurance company did you have when your friend totaled it? Did they hassle you much to get it replaced, and how much did your rate go up due to the accident?

State Farm

Nope....... not at all.

It didn't go up at all until years later when I changed insurance companies but by that time it was like a slap on the hand. The new insurance company warned me that the accident would play a role in my premium.

I reckon if there is no fixed conection on the inside, surley welding or boltinng a replacement machined part onto the casing couldnt hurt, nothing to lose except for getting the part made and installing it!!!!
Just be mindfull that if there is loose fragments in the transmission casing that could lead to more tears - alot more tears.....

Could very well work but, as you say, debris that might have gone inside is a worry. To be sure it would need a complete strip and if you're going that far..................

Plus, I would be thinking about resale value. The bike cant be more than a couple of years old, a bodged repair on the cases would be a disaster, I reckon.