Crank Case Breather

Done steaks are next. IMG_0953.JPG vegetables done. One two hold your breath and do not screw up the steaks.
All done. IMG_0955.JPG Did sit on bike and tried to call wife. That did not work out well. No connection. Then i looked around for my flip phone and found it. Battery was dead. So i turned down my high dollar stereo system IMG_0954.JPG And yelled (DINNER) That worked. One of these days i'm going to catch up on modern gizmos. From what i understand you need to have friends to call on such devices. When i make these so called friends may think about a new bike or a cell phone until then i will just carry on. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:;);););););););););););)
In a high hp build or a bike which has to see sustained high speed, ( one customer was sitting on 200kph on the way to work for an hour each morning and night) I usually add some height to the tube where the little filter sits on. I have on occasion added a couple of little "S" bends to the tube so the breathing vapours hit the edges of the tube and the oil runs back down. FWIW the bike mentioned above, was operated at those speeds daily in 40+ degC and after a time I suggested he change from 15/50 oil to 15/60 , which he did and the problem stopped.
Did you do this for performance? For the vacuum? Or just to be a responsible citizen and recycle the vapor, thats a joke, i like the way you did it as obvious functionality is spot on. Thanks