Trans went

Where to start?
1st there is not any need to cut that terminal it will fit just fine.
2nd i think that you might be getting it wrong when trying to adjust the tps
3rd dont do a lot of guessing it is a good way of causing more problems. If the fan does not come on then use the tuneecu to troubleshoot the fan.
Do you have a tuneecu?
The 3 pin yellow...

It can only be a few things on that end of the harness but I can't place it, I seem to recall it being an unused plug but check these are plugged in:,
Headlight Connector 1 and 2
Coolant Temp sensor
Radiator Fan (I think that's a 2pin though)
Horn (I think also a 2 pin)

I see your switch gear connected. It's not the IAT plug, a blinker plug, coil plug, and it's not an injector plug.

If it's none of these I'm going to guess it's the accessory plug for heated grips/fog lights etc.
Just an easy solution for you so you don't make more problems for yourself.

Order a OBD cable, one that works with Volkswagens, it should work for TuneECU.

Connect tune ECU. I guarantee you're doing the TPS sensor adjustment wrong without it and the bike will run really bad as a result.

TuneECU has provisions to test the fan and fuel pump built in.
I have been using the tuneecu to adjust the tps. I have also been using it to troubleshoot the fan, which is why I know the fan is not kicking on. During the test, it will cycle the relay three times. Using my volt meter, I checked the voltage during the test, and I got 12v every time it cycled on. So I tested the continuity on the fan, and I got a good check so there are no broken wires on the fan. By directly applying 12v to the fan plug, the fan should turn on if its still good.

As far as tuning the tps, I have been following the directions from tuneecu and following the videos posted by @R-III-R Turbo. I second guessed myself so many times that I have done it a solid 5 times to with the old TPS and now twice with the new TPS. Everything reads good.
I have the bluetooth version because I dont have a laptop to take out to the bike and the bike doesent fit through the house door I have been using tuneecu to check the tps and stepper motor and troubleshooting since I got it. Thats how I know that the TPS and stepper motor were way off to begin with. The TPS was over .750 and the stepper was close to .600.
I finally replaced the TPS, and it does the same thing until it's warmed up. Rough run up but once it warms up it idles fine.

Until you can get it out for a ride to find out otherwise it sounds like the TPS is OK (you replaced it and used TuneEcu). The stepper's primary (only?) job is to maintain idle while warming up, so those of us who've removed it have to work the throttle after a cold start until it warms up. Once it's warm, if you have the idle screw set correctly, it will then idle fine. This sounds to me what you've described.
@Journeyman, your post gave me an idea but I had to wait till after the hurricane and subsequent preparation. I found the stepper motor tightened way down way outside of the recommended voltage when adjusting the TPS. So I got home today, cleaned the property up a bit and tightened it back up outside where it was supposed to be. Magically (or not), the idle was brought back to a level that kept it running. It still has that bit of "lope" to it, but it idles fine when cold. I havent gotten a chance to ride it yet as its still in pieces and I have a lot to clean up from the "hurricane" but I think that adjusting the stepper motor to a tighter location was the key to keeping it running when idiling.

Great- I was wondering if you didn't have the stepper dialed in AND you hadn't adjusted the idle manually (after disabling the stepper linkage) that it wouldn't be right. It's an either/or thing. Sounds like you're getting closer day by day. You must be in FL. I hope everything is OK where you are....
I am in South Carolina but I had a bunch of dead trees around. It dropped a bunch of rain and some of the wind was quite bad sometimes, but it resulted in a few trees falling. I have been spending the last few days cleaning up and will get out tomorrow to work on the bike. I am hoping the fan is not dead and I can get it wired up with a solid on/off switch so I can get it back on the road tomorrow.
The patience you guys have!!! It's no wonder i'm a carpenter and my problems are resolved by getting a bigger hammer. My wife thinks we want move to SC from the chicago suburbs, but it sounds like the weather can be a bit of a challenge?
Don’t worry about the hurricanes and nor’easter its the Fn humidity that’s the hardest thing to get use to!