Trailer Wiring Isolator?


Feb 19, 2009
Calgary, Alberta Canada
'09 RIII Classic Custom, '82 GL500 Café, '82 CBX
I'm looking to add a hitch to my 2009 Classic. I have the hitch ordered and am looking to figure out the wiring.
I've been seeing that an isolator is recommended. Does anyone know if there is a recommended harness or can point me in the right direction for an isolator that I can wire in to make my own?
It's going to be hooking into a 5 wire Uni-Go trailer. I'll be splicing into the plugs and perfectly comfortable with wiring, just not sure about the isolator. The whole bike has been converted to LEDs and would be pretty easy to do the same to the trailer if that makes things easier.
Did you figure out the wiring? Looking to do mine tomorrow if I can.
I ended up using a Show Chrome isolation block.
I mounted it behind the left side panel and plumbed in the 7 inputs, then ran the 8 outputs (reduced to 5 after joining all of the negatives together) across behind the battery to splice the positives into the rear subharness behind the right panel.

The hitch is a pretty ugly piece of kit, so I'm only planning to have it mounted when I'm towing, so I ran a short line into a standard 5-pin trailer plug with a weather seal that I can tuck behind the side panel when it's out of use, then whipped together an extension to the back of the hitch that comes off with it so that I don't have an extra 4 feet of wiring to try to hide.

Did a 1,300km shakedown ride and everything seems to be working the way it should, so I'll call that job done.