Trailer hitches...

Hey Chip I've been following along on & off about the hitch that you fabricate . Maybe you could either post some pics or send me some email . I'd really would like to see it if possible .
I’ll try to snap a picture of a completed hitch. I think I have the 1st. one I built off the 08 R3T. It’s a little long in the tooth, but clearly a good hitch. I’ve been cutting steel most of the day. Starting to make parts...

You mentioned that the hitch would use the bracket to which the exhaust slip-ons bolt. My R3T has Zard exhaust, so no mufflers running back under the bags. The brackets that the saddle bags sit on are there. Will your hitch work on my bike?
Yes the exhaust brackets on the R3T bolt with 2 long bolts per side. Take your bags off, and the bracket needed becomes visible. Putting the hitch on the Rocket really is simple. That’s good, because every time you take the rear wheel off, the hitch is in the way.
Just a quick post to let you guys know that I bought one of Chip's trailer hitches for my 2008 R3T. It arrived today and I just finished installing it. It is a well though-out and nicely fabricated piece. I haven't pulled a trailer with it yet, but there is no doubt that this thing will do the job. Chip's picture above doesn't do it justice. My hitch came all black and shiny and included the mounting hardware.
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I didn't post a picture. Just made reference to Chip's picture.
Note. Kevin asks for pictures on all my posts. I’ve learned to expect the request! My problem is I take terrible photos. Whenever we discuss Rocket parts or modifications it is helpful to have visual capabilities. Usually I’m using the wrong part name and confusing information. A picture says a lot.