Want to Buy Trading Competition werkes exhaust for OEM exhaust

I would do that trade, but I'm in NJ.
Geez, for the gain you would get shipping costs to each other seems miniscule to someone like me who buys and ships parts world wide all the time from downunder. Those Werkes cans are up for sale for big dollars elasewhere and were not cheap new.
Anybody have a stock exhaust that they would like to trade for a competition werkes + decibel limiter? Located in south Florida, but open to driving a bit if in the state. I like the werkes but I prefer the OEM look and sound.

In interested but I'm in Washington State. How much do the limiters quite the sound and how much do they effect the hp?
Anybody have a stock exhaust that they would like to trade for a competition werkes + decibel limiter? Located in south Florida, but open to driving a bit if in the state. I like the werkes but I prefer the OEM look and sound.


I'm looking at getting the same exhaust for my storm soon as they have the dual 18mm bung model ready....but what is it about the exhaust you hate the most? Is it the looks or are they too loud and rowdy for you?