Traction Control Problem After Lowering Footpegs


.020 Over
Aug 4, 2021
2022 Rocket 3 R
I had my Triumph dealer lower the footpegs on my 2022 R3R. On my way home from the dealer, the traction control, check engine, and anti-lock brake lights came on. I turned around and went back to the dealer. They took a look at the bike and did not see anything amiss. After resetting the lights they took the bike out on a test ride and the lights did not reappear. For the first 60 miles of my ride home, everything seemed ok. When I got close to home I made a hard shift into 2nd gear. The rear tire broke traction and all three of the above lights came back on.

I am taking my bike back to the dealer, but am wondering if any of you have any suggestions about what may be the problem.
I”ve had OCABS warning come on after rear brake started fading, was fixed after recall work for rear brake. .. rear brake is fading again but no warning or disables yet. Since they lowered your pegs my guess is either braking and gear selection trickery that’s causing your problems. do you have quick shifter, maybe needs finetuning….

TC is a must as this machine will put you in low earth orbit via highside. TC saved my @ss at least twice now!