My camper opens up in a flash gives a 6x4 bed plus a 6x4 hard floor then you can zip on a 12x6 room on one side plus an awning on the other I made a couple of mods including solar power thru 2 deepcycle baaterys built in to the storage compartment I slung underneath I also extended the draw bar the total weight with my mods and fully loaded is 992lbs or 450 kg's the Rocket tows it with ease and I do use the rear brake (I even locked up the Darkside avoiding a 6ft Kangaroo and maintained controll) the trick is to make sure you have about at least 10 to 15% of your total trailer weight on the draw bar, if you do not have enought weight on the draw bar you run the risk of instabilitiy at speed and under brakes regardless of the rear tyre. I have traveled with other riders towing smaller trailers and complaining about their trailer moving about (wagging the tail) and causing them heart failure while braking, after stopping and I have sugested I reload thier trailer redistrubuting the weight they have found an instant change also the trailer/draw bar should if set up correctly so it rides just slightly nose down haveing it up will cause the tail to wag and lift the weight of the rear wheel causing skiding under brakes, running the nose of the trailer to low can cause it to push the rear in change of direction circumstances. I have towed trailers for many thousand miles and never had a problem IT IS ALL IN THE WAY YOU LOAD IT I am trying to turn anybody off because a properly preped trailer bike combo is a pleasure and a great way to Holiday, I hope this has been helpfull