I agree with Grampi, it is the H-D rider's attitude of no one else is as good as me because I ride a H-D that is the most obnoxious thing about H-D folks. My thoughts are that a lot of H-D riders have never owned anything else. They are clearly ignorant to other riders because they are so superior for paying twice as much for half the bike. While riding any bike and another bike is coming the other direction I always give the two fingered salute, if it is H-D coming the other way and I am on a non H-D bike very rarely do I get as much as a nod. If I am on my Springer I always get a response from a H-D rider. There is definitely a superior attitude from most H-D riders and it is B.S.

I have had several bikes by different manufacturers and have always found the H-D bikes to be great to look at, but heavy and low in power. As an owner of makes of multiple bikes, it is clear that H-D has a long way to go to compete with most Japanese bikes and several European bikes.

You cannot deny the fit and finish (paint especially) of H-D. They do a great job with making the bike look great when it is new. They have done a better job than most with marketing and having multiple styles and design for all the riders out there. I do start the H-D once every couple of weeks to keep the inferior oil system and check valve in working order, and the noise gets my neighbors wives to look at what is going on. HA HA HA, I guess the H-D has some usefulness.

I can always tell which HD riders are the brand whores, and which ones are true motorcycle enthusiasts. The brand whores know absolutely nothing about bikes that don't say HD on the gas tank, whereas I can carry on a fairly knowledgeable conversation about Harleys...while I'm certainly not an HD captain, I know enough about them to at least carry on a decent conversation...I've met HD guys that have never even heard of the M109R (my last bike), or the Rocket...they're living in their own little world, sheltered from all that is not HD...
I think the HD baggers look great for a touring bike. They haven't changed much in 50 years, its become a traditional look. I always thought of them as an old guys bike but now I am an old guy and that style of bike is fine for me. I bought the ROCKET 3 TOURING because it has that same look with an engine that delivers gobs of power, the added bonus but not the reason I bought it was it was half the price.
Many of the "wild Hog" died in the wool Harley riders I know are of Mature age and when I knew them 40 years ago rode small Japanese 250s if they rode at all then they had a gap of 30years raising a family or what ever then cashed up became Harley designer apparel clothes horses and joined the HOG gang, I took great pleasure one day at our Local bike orientated coffee and burger joint ,reminding this wild one of his Honda CB72 250 that he used to ride around in his youth, his mates all roared with laughter and said tell us more,what about your Shi*** old Matchless that leaked oil like a watering can he replied but the damage was done to his bad boy image
I think the HD baggers look great for a touring bike. They haven't changed much in 50 years, its become a traditional look. I always thought of them as an old guys bike but now I am an old guy and that style of bike is fine for me. I bought the ROCKET 3 TOURING because it has that same look with an engine that delivers gobs of power, the added bonus but not the reason I bought it was it was half the price.
WELL DAVE the HARLEYS look better than ever if you like that look and they cost more than any other bike I saw one at the local dealer and it was $50,000 unbelievable I said I can buy a new CORVETTE for almost the same price lots of CHROME and custom paint jobs BUT the engines SUCK as do the brakes and handling I dont like riding them they are always a letdown
I have an interracial family of bikes and love all four rides,the one that runs on hay and oats is my favorite even though i do have some issues with those hybrid racing steeds.:D:D:D:D:thumbsup:;)....

Tough crowd..

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Tough crowd alright! Is that you "Rooster" Cogburn ?
True Grit "Come see a fat old man sometime.." :D;) said 'Ishrub' the 44 gallon pot calling the kettle fat.

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WELL DAVE the HARLEYS look better than ever if you like that look and they cost more than any other bike I saw one at the local dealer and it was $50,000 unbelievable I said I can buy a new CORVETTE for almost the same price lots of CHROME and custom paint jobs BUT the engines SUCK as do the brakes and handling I dont like riding them they are always a letdown

In all fairness many are around 30000 which is bad enough. The brakes and handling are fine for their intended use, I'm talking about the baggers here. Their paint and chrome is their high point. They have a model for every personality including trikes. None are good performers but all are good eye candy. You may not like the look but you are a minority as proved by sales. I think the Rocket is one of the best but since I rarely see another on the road I guess I'm in the minority, which is fine by me but not so fine by the factory.
Aztec boys/girls club raffle drawing yesterday 5 brand new Harleys first drawn gets choice second drawn gets choice of whats left of the 4 so on so on.(100.00 a ticket)did not buy any couple folks heard me say if I won I would sell it on the spot best offer they kinda got upset asked why whats wrong with harley told them I want a real bike ,they asked what a real bike was?took them out to everyone standing looking at my 07 rocket in a sea of Harleys.questions commenced to start like a bull in a china shop you cant take this bike anywhere without people wanting to stop and look ask a 100 different questions. go youre OWN way
I went to our local Harley shop yesterday...I had some time to kill, and I always get a good laugh when I see their prices. As far as anything with a 103 c.i. or bigger, they did actually have 3 or 4 bare bones Road Kings that were under $20K...start adding options though and the price heads north of $20K pretty quickly. I didn't see any Street Glides or Road Glides that were under $30K, but I think they all had options. The sales rep I talked to said they could be had for the mid 20s without options. All of their CVOs were over $40K, and I'm sure some were near or at $50K. I know their bikes have nice paint and chrome, but I'm sorry, they are all overpriced for what you get. Chrome and paint isn't worth a $10K-$15K premium. Though I didn't ride any yesterday, I have ridden some of the newer Harleys and they have been underpowered, and they handle like a dump truck. Even their newest engine designs are still antiquated compared to other makes, but Harley has got to keep their customer base happy, and so many people seem to like their shaky, clunky motors, so that isn't likely to change anytime soon. Some of their bagless and faringless models don't look too bad, but then again, I've never liked the looks of ANY bike with bags and farings...I think they ruin the looks. Just for laughs I asked the sales rep how much torque the CVO made and he said it was about 85 ft lbs to the rear wheel. I told him that was a little over half of what my R3R makes...I actually said Triumph Rocket...he had never heard of the Rocket (big surprise, right?) and when I told him it was 140 c.i., he was astounded to find out there was actually a production motorcycle made with that big of an engine. Most Harley guys don't venture outside of their little Harley dome of a world, so they have no clue what the other makes have. When it gets nice out (if it ever does) I'll have to ride the R3R over there just to watch the people gather around and ask questions...
Just in case you guys wanted to see a great looking guy on a great looking bike:D