1st off this is a TR3 site so I get it, Harley sites are way worse with chuckleheads that think the world revolves around HD and ONLY HD, and many are true asshats...BUT..
You guys are also T O U G H on Harley owners... At one time all I wanted were Yamahas, from Banshees to V Max's and Maxims and Viragos' in between.Now I like all bikes including my current Harleys and have thick skin so fire away!! Its kind of fun being so despised...I feel like Trump!!

Its kind of funny, the guys in my MC make fun of my other motorcycles and some wont even sit on my Rocket. Most though are the "tweeners" like myself that like the sport and the brotherhood way more than the make of machines.
It is fun though having ever more stuff to pick at each other about.
PS, No chaps or HD logos on me anymore, pay too much for these machines to advertise for them too.
Am LOATH to pay HD WAY TOO MUCH for service, wrench myself and use indy shops.
This is an awesome forum and its very cool that its an international crowd.
Thanks for having this wealth of information, it is very helpful to this Triumph noob.
My Rocket 3T is currently in for PCV and dyno tune, has TORS and a/f upgrade, very anxious to get the big girl back...