Tough crowd..

I must admit that I just don't get the Harley thing, I would much rather have an Indian (which is basically the same thing) but with a modern engine.
I have said it several times, it was the local Harley shop that told me I needed to buy my Rocket; by being a group of jerks.

I have only had 1 HD, an '82 1000cc Iron head Sportster back in '85. I love it. I thought a four speed was kind of dated then but then again, I was still a youngster and it didn't bother me. Straight line cruising was great, twisties not so much but it was a 1000ccs of brute force, more than any other bike I had ridden up to then. I find myself searching craigslist once in awhile for another one of that period, then I remember how dang rough it is and I go back to searching for VMAXs.

I do love my Rocket but after having 27 other machines, I know there are plenty of good brands and models out there, something for everyone...
I've never liked Harley bashing but have no issue with taking the piss out of the bikes and especially some of the people who own them. There's a difference. Nothing wrong with someone having pride in what they ride regardless of how stupid I feel their choice is.

Gee you just reminded me of all the things I miss about being a Harley rider, before the new breed of wannabees ,
I have a 08 harley softtail in my garage just now, my pal went to Afghanistan for a year and left his bike for me to use. Noticed a few things
1-The right side gets hot up by the oil tank a lot hotter than the Rocket ever gets.
2-Fit and finish is very good paint looks great
3-Handles (at slow speeds) way better than my two Rockets at slow speeds I mean police competition stuff- that 240 on the Rocket hates it.
4- I have a free bike for a year so like anyone else on this site I will take advantage of it, he dropped it off with 9175 miles on it and in a week I have put another 840 miles on it
I have owned bike from every major motorcycle manufacturing country except India and I keep looking at the Royal Enfields they are turning out and thinking that would a neat bike to putt around on.
They are. I love mine, and it gets more attention than the Rocket. Harley riders get their cameras out every time I park it somewhere.
YES nice paint but they charge crazy prices for it
Nowdays the orices are equalizing, i just read a comparo on Motorcyclist between the Heritage softail classic, the Thunderbird and an Indian and they all are within a feww hundred from eachother