Total Engine Seize...

Sounds like your recent problem is related to the repairs previously done. things can go wrong really quickly if the smallest detail has been overlooked.
I feel for you brother
Common issues are understandable (annoying but all machines have inherent problems occasionally ) can't remember "engine lock-up" being an issue that many have experienced (other than incorrect assembly post factory) .. really hope you get it sorted without too much expense.
Find out what is seized. I am tipping it is the exh cam stuck in the head. A piece of gasket goo or some such travelled up the oil gallery and blocked the feed to cams. Thats a guess but it may not be as bad as it seems.
I've heard of many tranny problems, but never an engine lockup that I can recall. Unless your name is Scott?
Did he use the correct Loctite on the bolt that needs to be done correctly? If that sounds like a silly question, then it is probably what caused the problem. If you know what the question means, then it may have been done correctly.
IDK (Legend) ...I really hate to spread my legs open here, but no, I am not sure about the nut you are referring to, but I suspect that it was that shiny nut that that came in the box when I got my last parts. Maybe such a nut holds something important...such as the end of a rotating shaft...
So, if you don't mind could you or someone else clearly elaborate on this because if my mechanic did fumble the muffin, then he may not be willing to tell me anyway. I can also call you if you don't mind being called.
Download the manual from my signature. Starting at page 156, which is the transmission section, there are several bolts that need to use Loctite, and have quite specific torque settings. My understanding is that if these come undone then it can stop gears from selecting, and possibly even stop things rotating. @warp9.9 could probably describe this better as he has delved into there on occasion.
I'm with the others, sounds like mechanical error to me, @TURBO200R4 is correct, we all make mistakes, even mechanics, good luck with the rebuild


Simply putting the WRONG piston ring in the wrong place OR installing that ring in the correct place but upside down will cause problems.
Im not a mechanic and i feel your pain. If that was my bike and it happened as you described,my first thoughts would be its not a seize because of the slow action. a seize is ..WHANG!!!..stop.
I would really take on board what Mr Lush has suggested because this is his field. You may very well find its not too much...lets hope so eh?
Good luck and keep us posted.