TORS with non TOR tune

On both my Rockets I removed the cat and kept the standard pipes and had the tune for this downloaded. I then added the tors and had a further tune downloaded for this setup. Popping on the over run is normal but this can be stopped with a tuneboy. Some people like the popping on the overun some don't.
Definately one tune for cat delete and stock pipes and one for cat delete and Tors. I have the cat delete with stock pipes with the right tune but it still pops on deceleration....I quite like it!
When I put my tor,s on the mec at the dealer said I would be ok till I got back to them to load a new tune and it was the same when I put the cat delete on and my does pop alot on deceleration
I have an appointment to get the TORS with de-cat tune on Friday, thanks for the heads up guys :wink: