I'm about to look at tightening these. I have a very small amount of oil coming from the weep hole at the rear of the engine. I can't open the service manual on my phone. Are these relatively easy bolts to access on the oil-tank side of the engine?
OK @Loanstar' I have to ask can you point out this weep hole you are referring to? I only know of the three in each spark plug hole which drain out by each throttle body (so the spark plug holes do not fill up with moisture) and the weep hole in the water pump. But I am not aware of one at the rear of the engine except the crank case breather vent if that is what your talking about.

Yes, it is the third hole closer to the back of the engine. Just a tiny amount of oil is dripping out after the engine is hot. I had read on another post to check the cam cover bolts as some people have reported that they loosen over time.
I went and saw my old bike mechanic and he kindly pointed out that the cam gasket needs to be changed. It is sticking out on the other side. Time to shell out some clams I think.
I went and saw my old bike mechanic and he kindly pointed out that the cam gasket needs to be changed. It is sticking out on the other side. Time to shell out some clams I think.
Yep seems to be a common issue, out of interest what year is your bike ? Mate i fixed mine myself with some welcomed guidance from on here, if you have the confidence to have a crack at doing it yourself it's well worth the effort to save some coin and also get closer to your bike

Mine is an 09 Standard with just under 50k kms. I need to get a new rear tire and rear brakes so I might just get it all done. He's quoted me $500 CDN for all that work and I can supply the parts which is nice.

I did the coolant pump myself several weeks ago and that took me way longer than it should have so while I'm still considering doing this myself, I have very little mechanical skill.
So I called about parts and the guy I spoke with seemed surprised that I wasn't ordering new bolts to refasten the cam cover. My mechanic told me the existing ones are fine. I've ordered the seals/washers and the cam seal/gasket Should I order the bolts as well?
No need for new bolts mate
10 NM is what the manual states.
7.3 lbs dam that seems light
Mine was seeping but now the front is covered side is bit more wet and get little spray pattern on the bike after 20 mile ride on the interstate
Just had tires put on, said it probably make it another 5000 before it got to bad,well nope 2 weeks later much worse