Top speed stock Rocket

Aren’t the Rockets in stock condition speed limited? I recall Neville raised mine to the highest allowable on the 2014 Roadster which is 185 mph. I doubt it will do that and I don’t think I’ll try that on this bike anytime soon.
...its a bit like the golf theory...its not how far you smack the ball but how many shots it takes. Well, with riding its not how fast you can go but the quality of the ride that counts....only sometimes the speed will add to the quality...same as smacking the golf ball hard gives you satisfaction!...
Aren’t the Rockets in stock condition speed limited? I recall Neville raised mine to the highest allowable on the 2014 Roadster which is 185 mph. I doubt it will do that and I don’t think I’ll try that on this bike anytime soon.
You get anywhere close to that speed you will have difficulty dismounting without the seat pried from inside your ass but what a ride it would be.
After serious throttle respons issues (no respons at all at cruising when twisting the throttle a little, serious hesitation when opening the throttle wide) I replaced the primary TPS, without luck. Didn't mak a difference. Other possibility would be the MAP sensor, after changing that, it's a new bike again!
And now, with the RAM air, otherwise stock, it definitely seems to be quicker. The top speed test has to be done yet, will post it here.