Top 3 CTs for the R3

I popped for the Toyo Proxes T1R today ($140)in the 225/55 16 size. It will be installed at the end of the month when I return from vacation and (weather permitting) after few days of riding on the stck setup. I'll let y'all know what I think of this tire after i give it a bit of "exercise".

16 Inch Toyo Proxes T1R Tires - Tire Size & Price Details -

Joker and others who are running Toyos, I'd like to know what pressure you are using in this tire? I figured on starting out at around 34 lbs. I'll be running progresssive 440s on the back and I tip the scales at about 200 lbs, geared up.

Thanks again to one and all who've contributed here and helped me to make a better informed decision.

Sorry for the lack of feedback from me, I only drop in occasionally.

You posted a page or so back that the tread pattern on mine didn't match the link you posted. It does, it's just the photo on your link was taken from the other side of the tyre.

To return to a question you asked a couple of pages earlier as to why Brits seem to favour these. It may be because we have a bit more rain than a lot of places in the states and these are a relatively soft compound giving decent wet grip.

As for pressures I run 28 to 30 psi depending on load. I use 28 solo, and I weigh 20st or 280lbs to you. If you run a CT at too high a pressure the side wall will not deform sufficiently when cranked over to give you a reasonable contact patch. I too ran Prog 440s at the time I first fitted the Toyo. It felt a bit softer on the rear when I first fitted it, but that was just the tyre deforming. I thought it was sliding, but it wasn't. Once it has deformed it's a little softer but it grips great and is predictable.

Referring to your riding style of "attacking" the bends, I concur. I tend to ride it like I stole it. So much so that I have binned it twice in two years (prior to fitting the Toyo). I have more confidence in the Toyo than I did in the Metz. It's very rare that I take it out and don't touch the pegs down at some point. When it's warm and dry it's difficult to keep em off the deck. I have to replace them two or three times a year.

I hope this helps.
Phil, after you get the CT on, please post, telling where you got it mounted.
I think I'm going to join the club. I like the look of that particular tire.

I just installed Preds last weekend.
I think the CT should be next.

Enjoy your vacation.

I had that same tire I mounted up last fall, after running 24,000 miles on a goodyear eagle F1. I ride mostly 2 up and have had the best results at around 40 psi. If I take a trip alone I drop it back to 35-36 psi. I replaced the Goodyear with the toyo because of lack of availability. I waited 3 weeks and finally switched to the Toyo. The Toyo is a much better tire for the Rocket IMHO.

Thanks for that, I think the tread pattern on the GY F1 looks AWESOME, but I highly respect TOYOs, fitted to my GF's car in the UK, I researched all the best tires for a Miata and overwhelmingly all the experts said TOYO - so am gonna go with them, thanks again for the confirmation, I've also found some at 125 bux in GA, v v cheap for the performance and technology.
Thanks alot, Paul, J Rock & Gunshots, I'm confident that I'm going with a great tire for this bike. I'll be sure to get back to y'all with some more feedback.
As suspected, the Toyo is a really high quality tire. Sticky, quiet and very compliant in the twisties. Much more stable and surefooted in a hard or panic braking sans lockup! Only about 200 miles on it so far, but I loved this meat from the get go. It tended to drift or wander a bit on the freeway at speed with 38 PSI. Droped it down to 32 PSI and problem solved.

More to follow...
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**** Phil .... $40 to ship one tire?!?! Do they wrap it in tissue paper and deliver by parachute? WOW. I suppose fuel costs are to blame here too.
Bought it locally for $140, lists for $180. Is it worth $50 more than I payed for the B'stone Potenza I ran on my VTX? We'll see...
Bought it locally for $140, lists for $180. Is it worth $50 more than I payed for the B'stone Potenza I ran on my VTX? We'll see...
140 seems to be a bargain, the two sites I checked want over 200 shipped. I think I'll check with NTB before I order off line. I'm still sitting on that F1 I got last fall. You guys have me second guessing the decision, thinking hard about a Toyo now.