to the harley riders out there who also own a rocket

My rocket, 45,000 miles, my Harley,,,,,,,,,,,,,450 miles
My Rocket 51,000 miles my Harley 120,000 miles. Only paid $16,000 for the Harley brand new(2010). Paid a little over $19,000 for the X. Got and still getting my moneys worth on both bikes. Hopefully the new Rocket will be the same. time will tell.
I have room in my garage for that XSR900 if you want me to help.
The title of this post begs the questions,

1. Would you be inclined to own a Rocket after owning a Harley?


2. Would you be inclined to own a Harley after owning a Rocket?

I think question 1 gets the nod....
Everyone should own an H-D at least once in their life. Its a learning experience.
We really enjoyed our Harley’s and owned six of of them over eight years and drinks tons of the koolaide but we have moved on. The last one was going to be my keeper but low and behold along a camera Rocket and the last Harley was history.
My friend has a hopped up 06 Softail. Always talks about how fast it is. He he opened it up next to me on my 08 R3T the other day. I nailed second hard and laughed as he got real small in my mirror!! He was choking on rubber smoke as my back tire lit up a bit!! We pulled up to a light and his jaw was unhinged....

You just made my night...