To much bike for a second bike?

The Rocket is the craziest stripper at the bar.
Most of the other girls are prettier, but nowhere near as fun to ride.
If you treat her wrong, she'll cut you.
The best way to have a trusting relationship is with a long courtship.

The fact that you recognize the importance of respecting the bike says a lot about whether you're ready or not.
I think an r3 is a fine step up as long as you know your limits and are prepared to be patient learning the bikes limits. In any case ot is probably a less risky upgrade than a litre bike
Good morning from NSW.

I have a question for all of those who are way more experienced then me.

I am about to turn 20 (I weigh 78Kg, and am around 5 foot 8 if it means anything) and thus will be getting my black licence after 3 of daily commuting a Yamaha YZF-R3 around 50000KMs since new. Since I started riding I have been intrigued by the Rocket just everything about it the looks, the power, the whole package.

I now have the opportunity to get one however since this would be my second bike and quite a jump in the power and weight department I was wondering if I should hold off on my dreams of owning one just yet and stagger my transition. Maybe going with an Indian scout or similar since it is less of a jump.

Your thoughts would be really appreciated.

Entirely different riding experience. Your looking at the most powerful production bike made. Regardless of the model you interested in, marvelous for travel and exploration. Daily city CAN be a challenge because of its size, not will, but can. I had a classic and made the mistake of encouraging my wife ride it around the block. She now has an R3R. Her street triple gathers dust... My 2C, your riding skill and comportment will gain on a Rocket from the YZ. The biggest issue and ego is, is it too big to safely handle.
Nah mate not an old fart just experienced.

I want everyone's opinion because although I feel that I am mature we all like the rush of full throttle.

The rocket 3 is a bike that I have been fascinated with since the day I saw it. Think a test ride would be the best bet for me to see if I could really live with riding ontop of such a beat especially because of my age. 3 years of commuting is nothing compared to someone with 49 years of experience under their belt.
My son had a few years of riding under his belt, but not near as many miles when I got mine and he does just fine on it. He just had a Street triple. If you ride one and feel comfortable, don’t hesitate. Just respect it. I rode one and ran around with a stupid grin on my face every time I thought about it for five years before I got one. That was five looonnng years lol.

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