To much bike for a second bike?


Standard Bore
May 23, 2019
Yamaha R3
Good morning from NSW.

I have a question for all of those who are way more experienced then me.

I am about to turn 20 (I weigh 78Kg, and am around 5 foot 8 if it means anything) and thus will be getting my black licence after 3 of daily commuting a Yamaha YZF-R3 around 50000KMs since new. Since I started riding I have been intrigued by the Rocket just everything about it the looks, the power, the whole package.

I now have the opportunity to get one however since this would be my second bike and quite a jump in the power and weight department I was wondering if I should hold off on my dreams of owning one just yet and stagger my transition. Maybe going with an Indian scout or similar since it is less of a jump.

Your thoughts would be really appreciated.
Big difference between the two bikes mainly weight but once one the move the rocket is easy to handle.seems like you have had a fair bit of experience and covered a few miles. The only thing i would say is if i owned a rocket at 20 years old i would have probably killed myself.Saying that though not much has changed:whitstling:As long as you give it plenty of respect be careful how you park it and plenty of planning with slow maneuvering why not you only live once try and do a test ride first good luck:thumbsup:
It’s not so much about how strong you are as it is your judgement and skills.
I’m 6’ tall 270 lbs, been riding big bikes since the 1970’s and if I don’t respect the bike it will get away from me.
You’ve got a better idea than anybody whether your ready or not. Be honest with yourself and trust your judgement, that’s what’s going to keep you alive.
Good luck!
Good morning from NSW.

I have a question for all of those who are way more experienced then me.

I am about to turn 20 (I weigh 78Kg, and am around 5 foot 8 if it means anything) and thus will be getting my black licence after 3 of daily commuting a Yamaha YZF-R3 around 50000KMs since new. Since I started riding I have been intrigued by the Rocket just everything about it the looks, the power, the whole package.

I now have the opportunity to get one however since this would be my second bike and quite a jump in the power and weight department I was wondering if I should hold off on my dreams of owning one just yet and stagger my transition. Maybe going with an Indian scout or similar since it is less of a jump.

Your thoughts would be really appreciated.
Hey fatso man you got me by 15 lbs. Not sure about the bike I've been trying to master it since 07. Just the other night I left a bigbole burn out patch if frint of the neighbor's house bet he woke up :D serious you can throw the bike around find just get used to it. At you age its like a free fat girl your going to ride her, why ask :)
Thanks everyone.

You guys are right. No matter what bike it is it requires respect and time to get used to.

I think as long as I don't full throttle it mid-corner as I do with my current R3 then I should be fine.

The biggest difference will be slow speed maneuvering. the small 300 I could flick around like it weighed nothing this beast will take a little more taming.
Thanks everyone.

You guys are right. No matter what bike it is it requires respect and time to get used to.

I think as long as I don't full throttle it mid-corner as I do with my current R3 then I should be fine.

The biggest difference will be slow speed maneuvering. the small 300 I could flick around like it weighed nothing this beast will take a little more taming.

It's worth the extra effort. Go slow until you'r going fast. It does not take much. The R3 uses a lot more gas.
I am going to go against pretty much everyone else here. You're talking about graduating to a bike that weighs almost 3x as much, has 4x the HP and TQ on top of a completely different ergonomics package than you are used too.

Can it be done, sure. Should it be done, that can only be determined by your and your significant other if you have one. It is going to be about maturity and your proclivity to hoon your YZF-R3. You will have to ride the R3 more gingerly until you learn its character
The Indian Scout is a nice bike and plenty quick. It will be easier to handle and cheaper to operate but is not terribly comfortable in my opinion, I know because we had one. The TS 111 bikes are much more comfortable but very heavy and more costly.

The Rocket is like no other bike out there in a class all its own. It is a monster of weight and power but is comfortable and quite easy to ride except is ponderous at slow speeds. All bikes need to be respected but this thing very fast. With right hand control it will putter around like a kitten but of you thwack her she’ll stretch your arms and get into trouble in a hurry.

All that said I have no use for a Scout, it’s a toy to me. The Rocket is a real top notch machine and an adrenaline rush. I generally would not recommend this bike to a very young man advising you work you way up but if you can exercise maturity past your years then it would be a fun ride. You choose and live with it, hopefully.;)

Sorry if I sound like a condescending old fart, but I am 59 years old with 49 years of experience on motorcycles.:D Ride safe my young friend.:thumbsup: