To ATGATT or not to ATGATT - and to what extent

It took me a while to find a helmet that provides the same peripheral vision as an open face. I have been using the Nolan modular for the last 6 years and love it. In the full closed with visor form, its quite noisy, but I seldom have the visor fitted as I enjoy the breeze on my beard.
Ok u have convinced me i am going to start wearing my 357 for more protection and i know that i may never need it just having it is a great relief
may be i can get off a couple of shots before i get run off the road
u know i am just kidding
Yea Mel but you do keep la pistola on the right hip for extra protection !
So when Dr. D say's he's going to do a drive by that's left up to interpretation? Good guy to have around if stuff goes sideways.
I was in San Francisco a few years back and witnessed a horrible Drive by slapping.
ATGATT---the never ending topic, down here in Florida I see it all but what I can never understand is that someone with a tanktop on can possibly thinks he is cooler(looks and body heat) than someone with a good summer mesh jacket on.
I teach my students the basics of ATGATT --if you value your body parts protect them if you do not that is fine also
I'll have to check out that Nolan. While wearing it, If you look left or right, can you see the side of the helmet?
No...Nolan N44
I also bought the Bluetooth Comms set. Very neat and almost invisible. No Robocop looking helmet.
Some Airbag Vests offer an integral neck-brace. Klim's Ai-1 Airbag Vest for one. But the Ai-1 goes for $400 plus another $400 (or $12 per month) to activate it (?) That is $1600 for you and your pillion. And it probably needs replacing, like crash helmets, at least every five years or whenever it got subjected to impact.

Klim Ai-1 Airbag Vest - RevZilla - watch the RevZilla video.

Also, don't miss that payment...

Miss a Payment on Your Air Vest and "No Air For You!"

You can still get the wind in your face feeling if you buy motorcycle glasses and wear them with the visor up on the full face. Best of both worlds.
i do just that!....still get to eat insects....small stones....sand and grit....bits of cow shyte from cattle trucks...all the good stuff!!