"Tires on my 2005 rocket 3!

I bought my 2014 R2T in 4/18 with 2,800 miles on it. I picked it up in San Antonio, TX and rode it back to Florida. It still had the original tires on it. They were 4 years old. I replaced them with Avons because I did not want to take a chance on a blow out at highway speeds on the 1,200 mile trip back. Will be replacing them soon with a little over 14,000 miles on them. Will be trying the Bridgestone Exedra Max radials.
I like the Exedra Max on the rear. I have one on my 2013, with an Avon on the front. Good combo, I think. I have a pair of Avon Cobras on my 05, and not happy with the wear of the rear. I'm bad about not writing down mileage when I install tires, but this rear Avon is close to changing, while the front still looks almost new. I have a Bridgestone Exedra Max waiting to be mounted. Now the 05 has a Jardine header system, and a good tune, w/3 K&N's, Barnett clutch, so it is spinning now and then, but no burn outs.
In the movie 'World's fastest Indian' Burt Munro used black shoe polish to 'treat' his dry rotted tires and hide their condition from race officials.
If that really happened it is amazing he didn't bite the big one on the flats.