timing gear preventive ?


.060 Over
Dec 10, 2012
04 rocket 3 trippleK N s (4040) exposed, remapped,deresticted. straight out multiple exhaust
I have a early 04 rocket I bought second hand with 7500 ks from a dealer in qld
august 2011. rode the tires off it trouble free. 30,000ks now rapt. started looking thru threads here about cam chain and timing gear set up disasters. What the?
my production run is well before any upgrades(other than replacing final drive unit according to the service records provided). how common is the problem and what are the options for preventive maintance.
I dont thrash it rather, let it cruise around and usually 4k rpm gear changes hit the 5k rpm out on the open rds. Is it the dodgey adjuster which needs replacing or the timing gear or chain or all of the above. Can anyone rcomend a reasonable priced tech, as Im no wrenchman. Located central Vic will travel. Thanks all.

Subtle I think the original problem was a faulty heattreatment of the lower crank gear the timing chain rides on. It was softer the specified to the heat treater which allowed the keyway to waller out and get sloppy. This intern would create what peole called the coffee can rattle. Like a few nuts and bolts in a coffee can. I am not sur eif it was every gear made or just a bad heat batch. Anyway if your is running smooth I would not screw with it. and if it starts to make noise then its time to attend to. Gardly any of them broke which is a bad thing for the motor. Yet a couple did. If you decide to have this changed by the dealer as long as you have a good tech you will be fine. If you do this your self remember anytime you take the tensioner out you cam timing will be off this will require reseting with the cam tool. so do not go out and buy a manual and think you can just change them out or you will have problems. There is noting wrong with the auto adjust that a quick modification cannot fix. The modification will just ensure it will never fail while the engine is running which can be catostrophic to the engine. This is when th eadjust drops back allowing slop in the chain and the timing jumps. If it jumps enough time or realy good the firt time and you don't catch it your valves and pistons will collide

Man many bike ares on the road without this modification and very few have had problems. So do not read to much into it before you fully understand how the auto tensioner works and what is happening when it fails.
thanks warp 9.9

Thanks Warp 9.9 I appreciate the concept if it aint broke dont mess with it. the only problem is if it does let go I d never be able to afford to fix it.mmmm
I m glad to hear it wasnt every early one with the problem , was sounding like it. Iwill start saving for the mods when it needs it shims reset and keep an ear on it. stay stafe
Replaced the cam chain on my '09 model at 96,000klms.. not all that big a job, get hold of a manual and it's a pretty easy fix. At 96,000 klm all i needed to replace was the chain ( that i sourced from Bert Kingston in Brisbane for half what Triumph wanted) everything else including the tensioner and gears were fine. Was quoted $1,800 from Dealer , think it ended up costing me about $350.

One thing i can think of to help is this......DO NOT down shift thru the gearbox while rolling to a stop.In other words dont blip the throttle/down shift,blip ect....[ like every hardley rider does].... your loading the camchain up unnsessarily, this is when the adjuster gets put under strain and evetually might / will.... back out and fail.
$1800 ouch

$1800 OUCH Thanks T.C. I Guess if I had a dud gear it would have surfaced by now (touch wood.)
I will get it checked , need the shims checked anyway.I dont have the skills or tool s myself , so will get it done $1800 OUCH. time to start bribing those that do or learning how.

Plenty of cluey Owners on here more than willing to offer advice and assistance . No big deal mate , wouldn't sweat about it that's for sure.

1800 bucks I would do them all day every day. What a racket
Of course after reading subtle other thread about wanting to put a side car on his I would recommend having the motor right especially when lugging around that extra dead weight.