Time for a new rear tire, car tire or bike tire ?

Not that I am thinking of swinging that way, but just out of curiosity. What is the clause in the insurance that precludes using a car tyre. We do all sorts of mods to our cars/bikes that insurance is ok with (and some that they aren't comfortable with). Maybe insurance companies regard this as a mod that affects handling?[/QUOT
Not that I am thinking of swinging that way, but just out of curiosity. What is the clause in the insurance that precludes using a car tyre. We do all sorts of mods to our cars/bikes that insurance is ok with (and some that they aren't comfortable with). Maybe insurance companies regard this as a mod that affects handling?
That makes sense. I would say that IS a possibility, good point
Not that I am thinking of swinging that way, but just out of curiosity. What is the clause in the insurance that precludes using a car tyre. We do all sorts of mods to our cars/bikes that insurance is ok with (and some that they aren't comfortable with). Maybe insurance companies regard this as a mod that affects handling?
Mate all Insurance companies are a scam at the best of times, if your involved in an accident wether it's your fault or not and have an incorrect tyre fitted i think it's safe to assume those as-spirates will use that to get out of having to pay
There is no such thing as a car tyre. I challenge anyone to show me a genuine picture of a tyre that says it is a car tyre. They are passenger vehicle tyres, and are labeled as such. The motorcycle is a passenger vehicle and therefore it is legal to run passenger vehicle tyres on it. A number of motorcycles come with passenger vehicle tyres as OEM. In the eyes of the law, a motorcycle is a motorcycle - whether it has two wheels or three. It is illegal to put motorcycle tyres on a car. At least, all the above is the situation over here. It is worth checking the laws in your location. Go to a primary source, not your mate down the pub.

I don't know why Triumph Australia would void your warranty because of the tyre. Every warranty claim I made in the USofA was honoured by Triumph.
If the warranty claim was attributed to the rear tire im sure the claim wouldnt of been honoured , ie: if your rear drive let go for whatever reason.
12,000 miles from a Metzler is pretty impressive - about 4 times the mileage I ever got out of one. I get twice as much out of a Bridgestone as I did with Metzler and managed somewhere in between with Avon. You should give either of those a try, although I believe the Bridgestone is easily the best option in every respect by a big margin.

To get that sort of mileage I assume you ride pretty conservatively and/or on the highway. Unless the road is dead flat without camber, with car tyre you will need to constantly input into the steering either with counter steer or leaning or both just to go in a straight line. Slow speed handling and cornering also will be more of a challenge. Not knocking car tyres - I have 4 of them on my car - but they are designed for and have a natural tendency to want to run pretty much vertical to the road surface.
Ive put mostly interstate miles on those tires I think in it's final days I may have had a bit to much air in it because the wear pattern is 3/4 of an inch wide in the center only, the rest of the tire looks great, and that is frustrating. Thanks for all the helpful information
Mate all Insurance companies are a scam at the best of times, if your involved in an accident wether it's your fault or not and have an incorrect tyre fitted i think it's safe to assume those as-spirates will use that to get out of having to pay
You speak the truth brother, thank for the advice
I agree, 12000 on a metzler is quite impressive. At least + 50% greater from my experience. Im trying an Avon after having gone to the darkside for 13k. The Tread Wear component of the Rinken Raptor suxtd. A mere 13k compared to the usual 8k on a Metz. But the handling wasnt worth the difference. It was always a fighting tiring battle with the darkside. IF you gotta go darkside, go with a 500+ tread wear compound (twc). The Raptor 280 twc had the grip but not the mileage and in my opinion a 225 is all that is necessary to put the max meat on the pavement. Think about it, in turns the 240 Metz puts maybe 3 " of rubber to the road at all times. Going darkside reduces that fractionally on the hard turns while straight and level you have several more inches of ground patch contact. On the straight-aways you have mussle including off the line. But in the twisties youve lost that contact patch.
Not that I am thinking of swinging that way, but just out of curiosity. What is the clause in the insurance that precludes using a car tyre. We do all sorts of mods to our cars/bikes that insurance is ok with (and some that they aren't comfortable with). Maybe insurance companies regard this as a mod that affects handling?

I don't know that such a clause exists. There are always exclusionary clauses, however, that prohibit all sorts of things (usually worded very generically) and they will exonerate the insurer from being liable to pay a claim. You can perform all the mods you want, legally or otherwise, however if you or your vehicle's failure is considered the proximate cause of damages, you can be taken to task for it and if that failure is traced to something that ain't kosher you can find yourself up chit's creek without recourse.

Like I said, most insurers will do anything they can to delay, deny or defend against a claim. Insurance companies have no greater a tendency to add a clause that explicitly prohibits all sorts of things that are dangerous or that are grounds for them to deny a claim or immediately render your policy and its coverage null and void than they are inclined to advise you to eat healthily or to wear ATGATT, but there no laws against ignorance or quirks of nature or choices that we are all free to make for ourselves whether they are harmful, ignorant, foolish or not. (weak analogy - I'm tired).
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Im still on my 1st set of tires after 10000klm , i have carefully thought it through as to which way i will go once i need to replace at least the rear in the next 5-6000 klm. The car tire has the attraction of being cheaper and lasting longer and i also spend a good deal of time riding in the verge to get around traffic jams on my 100klm each way trudge to work , so far i have had one puncture and i assume the softness of bike tires lends itself to easily being punctured by all manner of crud that gets thrown onto the verge , so the car tires resillence to punctures is a plus.
What isnt a plus to me is the news that Triumph will void my warranty on a 2 1/2 mth old bike for having a car tire on and my insurace would be equal to ***all if i get involved in an accident, so at the end of the day i think i'll stick with the bike tire and try one of the aformentioned brands to see how long they last :)
Dont know who told you that about the warranty and insurance as I checked with my Triumph dealer before fitting one and he said as long as the DS tyre didn't cause a problem related to a warranty claim and I am with Shannons Insurance and they did not have problem as long as the tyre didn't cause the accident and just for the record when I high sided whilst avoiding T boning a Car performing an illegal turn in front of me which I did in fact not hit may be the tyre helped avoid maybe not but I do know that I would never run a Metz again!! incidentally I am running a Bridgy Excedra Max at the moment and love it in the twisties but I have recently bought a second rear rim which I will be fitting a DS tyre to for touring , I am speaking from actual experience not hearsay or others opinions I have no problems with riding with a car tyre and had I not had the chance to pick up the spare rim at a very reasonable price I would have gone back to a Car tyre after trying the Bridgestone (which I did like but Touring tends to chop the centre 1/3 of the tyre out more which shortens the life of the tyre) as I feel perfectly safe on a DS ................
............. now let the naysayers say what they like as I will not enter any pissing match arguments.

I might add that I respect TriumPhil's opinion as he has ridden on a DS tyre but didn't like it unfortunately he was using the same Toyo proxis R1 (or something like that) as my first Car tyre which had excessively soft sidewalls, my second Car tyre the Federal 595 never looked like going onto the sidewall nor do the Riken and some others, I Think this is because they are Hi performance tyres whilst the Toyo Proxis R1 is an ultra hi performance and designed with more sidewall flex and again for what it is worth these are just my opinions having done over 40,000km on DS tyres
Holy $hit this gets old!
With no offense intended to the aforehand, I have ridden a car tire motor and would not use one.
I totally respect anyone's right to do so. Those that do this have many issues to discuss such as fit size, profile, air pressure as they shop for the CT that best emulates a MC tire.
This is a thread dedicated to "The Dark Side".
Why don't we just allow folks to discuss their car tires in peace without continuous harassment?
This thread should be a safe zone.