Thunderbike oversize T-bars

I can't answer your question but I'm sure someone will be able to - Thunderbike probably know; give them a call.

But I just wanted to say that I have noticed a few bikes with these bars fitted and in many case they've been pushed forward a little - not just to provide greater reach but also to improve the angle of the grips. Apart from looking a bit odd (not aligning directly with the forks) that could also impact on whether you'd have them with a fly screen. Just something to think about if you think you might need/want to push them forward.

Phone: +64 3 548 5787 or +64 3 548 5187
I can't answer your question but I'm sure someone will be able to - Thunderbike probably know; give them a call.

But I just wanted to say that I have noticed a few bikes with these bars fitted and in many case they've been pushed forward a little - not just to provide greater reach but also to improve the angle of the grips. Apart from looking a bit odd (not aligning directly with the forks) that could also impact on whether you'd have them with a fly screen. Just something to think about if you think you might need/want to push them forward.

Phone: +64 3 548 5787 or +64 3 548 5187

To avoid this ' odd looking ' problem you could always buy my modified oversize Thunderbike T-Bars.. the extra 60 mmm cleaverly added to the upper bend does away with the ' non aligning ' issue ..... (This has been a shameless plug to get the original poster to buy my bars.. no animals were injured in the making of this plug :D)
Does anyone know if the Thunderbike oversize T-bars will allow the Triumph flyscreen to be installed? Thanks. :)


I had them on my '05 Rocket and they were great. They did not interfere with the flyscreen at all. I just got my Roadster and at first glance it looks like the same setup.

BE WARNED: If you mount these bars you can kiss the easy access to lift the gas tank good-bye. They get in the way of the instruments rocking forward out of the way so you have to take them off completely or remove the bolts at the bottom of the tank and take the whole tank off. Of course, if you don't plan on doing any modifications that would require you to get under the tank, it's a non-issue.
i have them on my roadster and everything fits just fine;)

and regards removing the tank : you have to undo the swivel bolt under the seat slide the tank back slightly while pivoting the tank up as you normally would, when the top of the tank has cleared the bars resit the bottom of the tank and pivot bolt..... takes an xtra minute of time. ;)