For Sale Thunderbike 1.5" oversized t-bars

Your image link link took me direct to a request to set up a Google Gmail account to view, I don't know why, never encountered it before. No blame, just pissed it happened and venting, learnt my lesson, say NO to stupid computer requests. ;):D

I'll have to sort out the Google account links of my devices.
They getting their own back on your habitual Google use . The googlemeisters are watching the confused look on your face thru that little camera embedded in your smart tv ! :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:
Interesting, on my Mac it ask for nothing, just opens up and shows the photo, no google or anything else for that matter.
Selling these Thunderbike bars off of my 2015 Roadster, 1.5" reduced at grips and triple tree to 1" to fit original equipment. I had these installed with Rivco risers and it was very comfortable and looked much better in my opinion.
They are powder coated black from Thunderbike. If you know Thunderbike you know they build quality products.
price is $225.00 firm plus shipping.
let me know,
Finally figured how to post a pic, I apologize for any trouble the links caused to anyone.
Finally figured how to post a pic, I apologize for any trouble the links caused to anyone.
I am interested. Couple questions though.
Will the stock cables reach ?
Do the mirrors, throttle, mirrors, reservoirs all mount the same or is there a lot of mods I need to do to make these work ?
Stock cables work, just reroute brake line behind triple tree, very easy.
Everything else goes on no mods needed.
I had Rivco Risers, so you may not need to re route brake line.
They even have bungs to put the counterweights on the ends of the bars